Scott's POV
When Cadence left, I called Stiles.
"Yo Scotty." He answered.
"Hey. You got the stuff?" I ask.
"Yeah. Meet me in an hour at the station." He says.
"Alright. I'll go get Kira. Thanks man." And with that. We hang up.
Cadence's POV
I drive to the loft and I start getting nervous. Everything my dad and Melissa said. I know Derek and I belong together. I'm just. This is the second time he's something in some way gone against us. And it's hard for my wolf. Because she's dealing with with betrayal. And I know once I see him and touch him and kiss him, it will all go away. But my wolf has never felt this. Not like this. I don't know what will happen.
I pull up and just sit there.
'Everything is okay. One day. It will all make sense. It will all before the pain and trials and patience this will take.' I take a breathe close my eyes and clear my head. I unbuckle and open my eyes. I get out and walk in. Once I get up the stairs, I open the loft door and grab Derek's attention.
"Hey C." He wearily smiles. He looks like he barely gets any sleep.
"Hey Derek." I say and take in my surroundings. The bed looks like it hasn't been slept in, in months. The whole place is messy, unlike Derek. Then I see peter looking in the container that we got from that chest full of mountain ash. "What are you guys up to?" I ask.
"Well. This dumbass right here wants to use his mother's claws to see if he can get answers." Peter answers.
"Sounds fun." I say, skeptically. Peter sits the container on the table and hesitantly holding is hand over it. Derek walks over and watches him for .5 seconds.
"Taking too long." Derek says, impatiently.
"Wait wait no no no n- -" Derek cut Peter off by shoving his hand into the container. Peter let out a terrible yell of pain. Soon, he calms down. "Well they're not really my color." He says. Derek grabs a chair and sits in it backwards.
"This is gonna be very painful." Peter tells him.
"I don't care just do it." Derek says allowing him to go through with it.
"Oh I'm going to." Peter says. Then jabs the claws into Derek's neck and they both let out a painful groan. And they're out.
I don't know how long they're going to be out, I decided to clean the loft. I pick up the books and put them back on the shelves. I pick up the papers that have scribble on them. And then I see this one paper. With my name on it.
'Cadence Argent(supposed to be) Hale.
- the love of my life
- the one that got away
- the one I'll never get over
- the girl who changed meWhat can I do to get her back? She's my queen. Literally. How do I fix this?'
I feel tears stinging in my eyes. I fold it up and put it in my pocket. I then hear gasping. I turn around to Derek clinging onto the back of the chair, and Peter is doubled over.
"Wha - - what did you see?" Peter says, gasping for breath.
"I saw her. I saw mom she uhh she told me there's something coming." He says. Looking parched.
"I'm going to go get you two waters." I tell them both. I walk into the kitchen but I hear whispering.
"What else did you see? What did she say?" Peter whispered.

Bumper Cars [Derek Hale]
RandomCadence Argent. Fearless werewolf hunter. 21 years old. Has lived with her aunt Kate since she was 14. But she's finally moving back in with her parents and sister. She's out for blood. There's a reason she is moving back in with her family. An alp...