Derek left last night when the movie ended. It's about 3 and I just finished my daily work for my online classes. It's pretty easy. I remember most of it from my first 2 years when I went to an actual university instead of an online class.
For the next hour, I just laid on my bed for no reason. Just laying there. Staring at the ceiling.
Then I decided that I need to get up and get ready. They said khakis and a black shirt until they can get me a shirt with the diners logo on it. I just put mascara on and my hair in a messy bun. Pretty simple.
"I'm going to work!" I shouted to whoever was in the house.
"Ok. Be careful!" Mom yelled back.
Once I got there, they have me all the basics and it sounded easy. I just wrote down the orders of the customer and do the checks and everything.
It was slow at first but then around 6 it started getting busy. By 8:30, I was worn out. Everyone was basically gone. Around that time, a familiar man walked into the diner.
I couldn't believe my eyes. It's impossible. He was suppose to be a Stanford. What's happening? He sat down at the bar-ish place near me and cleared his throat.
"May I get some help over here?" He smirked. I acted like I didn't recognize him.
"Sure!" I said enthusiastically. "What can I get for you, sir!" I asked with a smile.
"Yes. I would like a burger, small fry, and a Pepsi, please!" He returned.
"Coming right up!" I said, after I wrote down the order and put it on the hook for the cook. I got the Pepsi and handed it to him. "Here you go! Your food should be ready soon!" I fake smiled.
"Ok. Drop the act. I know you know it's me, Denny." He said.
"Excuse me? I'm not sure who you are talking to." I said, politely. I'm trying to get over him. Just then, my savior came walking through the door. He sat down 3 seats away, closer to me.
"Hey Derek!" I said.
"Hey Cadence. Could I get just an order of fries and a Mountain Dew?" He asked.
"Sure. I'll get you the drink now and the fries should be out soon!" I said. He smiled.
"Denny. I know you know it's me." Cameron kept going.
"Yes Cameron. I know it's you." I said whirling around. "But I'm over you. And that guy down there," I pointed to Derek. "Is who I'm with." I said sternly, lying. You see, Cameron is gorgeous. Not as gorgeous as Derek but still hot. He has brown eyes, dirty blonde hair and tanish skin. Bust Derek is ahhhhhhhh. So yeah.
I sat the plate I had just got from the cook in front of Cameron then went to talk to Derek because his food wasn't ready.
"So what's up?" I asked.
"Just coming in. I was kind of hungry so I said food and came here." Which I knew meant I've been following you and saw that you were uncomfortable with him.
"Great." I said. The cook rang the bell sing along his food was ready. I handed it to him and he ate. He let me have some fries and we talked, because they were the last customers in here. Derek and Cameron. Derek was writing on a napkin.
'Are you ok?' It read. I nodded. 'Ok. I'm going to leave. I'll be close.' He finished, paid, then left.
"So... Who's that again?" Cameron asked.
"Derek." I replied, bluntly.
"Look. I know we broke up and I moved a long way away but I came back to see if we still had something." He said.

Bumper Cars [Derek Hale]
عشوائيCadence Argent. Fearless werewolf hunter. 21 years old. Has lived with her aunt Kate since she was 14. But she's finally moving back in with her parents and sister. She's out for blood. There's a reason she is moving back in with her family. An alp...