Chapter 8: The Boys Return (Caleb)

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*Three Days Since We Were Suspended*

It was Thursday, I woke up bright and early just to get dressed for today's agenda was Camouflage day. I wore:

-Hollister Camouflage Shirt 

-Hollister Green Cargo Pants

-Black Vans

Maya and Savannah haven't talked to us in three days. I really wanted Savannah to text me. I started to think i should brake up with her. They were avoiding us but i didn't really care. There are more fish in the sea. I'm just gonna stop acting like i don't care when i do care about her. 

When i arrived at Savannah's house i went to go knock on the door to see if she wanted a ride. Her mom came to the door and said she had caught the bus this morning. I couldn't believe she could be this freaking mad at me. I was freaking defending her! Just because i cant walk on the field with her for homecoming she gets mad. Girls are just to much!

I got to school and saw that Marcus and Malik were sitting in my parking space. I got out and told them to move or im gonna give them some more of what they had Monday. They moved. When i got out of my car they said that they were sorry for what they did and said on Monday. Dang did we beat them up that bad? Are they scared of us? Did Savannah and Maya pay them to do all this? i was just thinking. 

I walked into school and met Chris,he looked happy as usual. I haven't talked to him ever since Monday. "hey bro, is maya not talking to you like Savannah isn't talking to me?" I asked. "Yeah I'm just over all this, im tired of all this drama between us.. if they try to talk to us today lets just give them the silent tretment." Chris replied. "okay, but we need to go talk Ms. Sherry about us going back to homecoming and seeing if we can play in our games!" i exclaimed. 

We missed our first three periods, due talking to the principle. We talked Ms. Sherry into letting Chris and I to go to homecoming. We made an agreement. Our agreement was that if we make a good grade on our state test today then we get to go to homecoming and get off the hook. We both agreed and said that we would bring our scores down here in the afternoon.

It was time to go to lunch we sat at a table  We were having a good time, then all of a sudden I see Savannah and Maya walking in the Cafeteria. Maya had tapped on Chris’s shoulder to try to get his attention, but he just waved her off. I did the same with Savannah.

Couple minutes later, I see Maya running off towards the door. Did Chris really make her that mad just to run off like that? I started to think about what happened for all the years I’ve know Maya, I never thought she had those types of feelings… Oh goodness and now she is going to be my step sister. Whats next I thought somebody dies? Too much dramatic things happening at school…

It was time to take our state test we were in some old class room that had wooden doors, wooden floors, and even wooden desk. “Is this suppose to be a log cabin or something?” I whispered to Chris.  Chris looked at me and started to laugh… he thought I was joking...I really wanted to know because EVRETHING WAS WOODEN!

When I got the test only thing the professor said to us was a simple good luck. Then she walked out and slammed the door behind her. Their were cameras so we couldn’t cheat. I really wasn’t going to cheat anyways. What am I thinking yeah I was lol.

When Chris and I got finished with our test we took our scores to the principle. She had a big smile on her face and told us we were back into homecoming. We were happy, but we wondered how we were going to apologies to Savannah and Maya…. Oh goodness.

Later that night I was thinking on how I could apologize to Savannah. I was up till about 1:15 a.m. thinking about her… I really loved her as u can tell. I decided to text her and see if she was still awake… she was she said this “hey, I don’t know what your problem was today… its like when u returned you turned into a huge jerk. U and Chris! I just don’t know what to do. That was really embarrassing and humiliating what you did. You’ve had me up all night crying about u and I still am. Caleb, what is your problem…”Then I quickly replied “when I read that I realized that I was a jerk for doing that. I really shouldn’t have done that… Savannah im sorry babe. Trust me I have been thinking about what I did to u all day! I know sorry isn’t going to fix anything ,but just wait u will see tomorrow how sorry I really am! I’m talking about a grand entrance just for u babe. It will all be fine… Im sorry baby really… and I have some good news! The principle let me and Chris back on the homecoming court with yall! Isn’t that great???” I really didn’t know what to say.

She text back later saying, “yeah that’s great I guess.. hopefully I can go to bed now… goodnight.” “goodnight babe” I said back. 

(savannah dress on the side)

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⏰ Last updated: Feb 07, 2014 ⏰

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