Day: 12

45 3 0

(Next day)









Meanwhile in Philly.........

Lailah-I just got done talking to Taylor and she said she's fine she has a friend with her.

Lucas-that's great, but...which friend ?

Lailah-some guy she met named Devon.

Lucas-(puts his hands on his face) I'm loosing my baby

Tayja-everything will be ok Lucas, we will make sure of it.

Lucas-thanks guys, but I think I should call her. you know just to make sure she's ok

Julian-do what u got to do man, we will call you later.

Craig-good luck bruh

(N/A they left the room)

(phone conversation)

Taylor-Why are you calling my phone ?

Lucas-well hello to you to

Taylor-why are you calling me ?!

Lucas-I was calling because I heard you were still down in California, and I know why.

Taylor-so what, I'm just not ready and honestly I don't think I'll ever be.

Lucas-you can't keep avoiding the situation

Taylor-Oh really, watch me (was about to hang up when)

Lucas-wait, don't hang up. please, can't we talk about this ?

Taylor-No, I moved should to

Lucas-Wait, WTF that dude Devon

Taylor-Yes, I think I like him and I don't want you affecting my decision.

Lucas-Wow, your really turning into a fucking hoe


Luacs-you, like really one mistake one mistake and you go to fuck some other nigga

Taylor-(sighs) I don't know who you think your talking to, but let's remember it was your dumb ass that made us break up so don't come at me with that messed up hairline and wearing that where the wild things are ass sweater, I can't beileve I ever liked you or loved you for that matter, I fucking hate you and I will never in life forgive you or be with you ever again, you understand that. loose my number, don't call or text me with that shit (hangs up)

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