Ariel's POV said to be in LA at 5 SHARP. So I listen to musically because it has completely changed my life and I couldn't be more grateful.I get in the car and my mother, Jacob and I go to the airport.
"Bye Ariel, we love you! We'll see you soon!" My mother says.
"Bye mom," I say hugging her. I grab my suitcase, and Jacobs hand and I go off to security.
I bump into someone, "Oh my gosh, I'm so sorry!" I say and when I pick up my head I realize it's Mario!
"Ariel?!" He says. I nod and we hug.
"Excuse me," a deep voice says, it's a police officer, "you're next."
I nod and finish security. Mario and I walk to the plane together. Jacob following us like a puppy.
"BabyAriel?!" I hear a voice say, I turn my head to see a mob of supporters.
I take pictures with every single one of them. Then a group photo.
Weston's POV
I walk into the airport with Kalynn and my dad. I don't know why I have to go to this thing. I'm not a Muser. I'm a Younower.I get on the plane without any trouble. Kalynn by my side, and I get the third row, window seat. I'd rather listen to Miley Cyrus then go to this thing. I pass out of tiredness.
I wake up to Kalynn pushing me and nudging me, "William Weston Koury wake up!" She yells/whispers to me.I get up and we find a person with a sign that says "Koury" we tell them that we're the Koury kids and they take us to a limousine. We hop into it.
They take us to this hotel, "Be downstairs in the basement at 5 sharp," the driver said. They take our bags up to our room and we unpack.
"What in the world do you think this is about?" Kalynn says.
"I have absolutely no idea," I say.
Zach's POV
I'm with my mom and we go downstairs and I see Ariel. That's awkward. We haven't spoken since we have broken up. I'm making a move. I don't want things to be awkward."Hey Ariel," I say in a very quiet voice,
"Oh, hey Zach," she says.
"You see I don't want things to be awkward. You are still one of my best friends!" I say.
"Definitely," she responds. We hug and then we go our separate ways. I kinda miss her. I want her back. But she doesn't feel the same.
" would like EVERY MUSER down to the basement I repeat, EVERY MUSER down to the basement,"
A whole clump of people run to the elevator. I feel someone grab my hand. I turn my head to see Ariel.
"Don't lose me!" She yells.
"I would never lose you Ariel! Hold on!" I say.
We push through the crowd of musers and I bump into Jacob Sartorius!
"Hey bro sorry!" I yell through the clatter of sound.
"Hey no problem! I see Zariel is back together!" He says.
"I'll explain when I can!" I say back and we get down to the basement.
There he is. The creator of
"Thank you for meeting us here crowned musers! We have invited you here to decide your futures! Well just ten of you," he says.
The crowd gasps. I feel a squeeze in my hand. I turn my head to see Ariel. She's still holding my hand. I don't mind though. I miss this.
Ariel's POV
I'm still holding onto Zach's hand. I don't dare let go. I might lose him. I miss the warmth of his hand, him comforting me. I miss Zach."We are hosting, the first ever, Muser Games!" He says.
What does that mean? I swear my heart dropped into my stomach.
"And I know most, and if not most then all of you have seen, The Hunger Games, and it is goin to be like that! 10 musers will be picked to battle to the death! And your musicals will get you sponsors. There will be 10 rooms. All identical to the ones the musers have, they have to make 10 Musical.lys in under 5 minutes. Those musicals are the ones shown to the sponsors."
We all gasp. I squeeze tighter onto Zach's hand. Dear lord why is this happening.
"The choosing will be tomorrow. 1pm SHARP. Thank you musers!" He finishes and walks off stage.
"Don't worry Ariel. This is all for publicity. This isn't real," Zach says as he tries to comfort me.
"I hope so," I say.
Arii's POV
I can't find Ariel. The clatter to get up the stairs is horrific. Last time I saw her she was with Zach. Are they back together? Zach. She must be with Zach!"Ariel!" I call, "Ariel, where are you!" I pick up my phone, which would probably be with me into that arena. I'm walking with my head down. I'm scared to death about these games. But it would probably be a rough chance that I'd get into the games. The Hunger Games didn't end well. And so will these.

Muser Games is forcing the BEST 10 musers to battle to the death in a hunger games arena. (I got inspired by What happens when two are left?