Day 2-Training

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Brennen's POV
I don't have a killer mind. Yea, I'm strong and all but I'm really scared. I can't kill Ariel, or Weston, or Zach, or even Mackenzie. Poor, little Mackenzie!

I walk into the training center and I see all kinds of weapons.

I take a big gulp before going to a knife throwing station. I don't want to do this, but I have to.

I see Zach there. Hard to imagine Zach throwing knives.

"Hey Zach," I say.

"Brennen," he says.

We continue in silence. I hate doing this. It's awful. I throw a knife so hard in anger.


Mackenzie's POV
I know that the other musers feel bad for me. Since I'm the youngest of the bunch, so I hope I'll die easily.

I love the hunger games so I'll try and be like Rue.

I go to the slingshot station, and start building sling shots and shooting them.

Paul Zimmer comes over to me.

"Hey Kenzie, try this," he says.

He put a bunch of rocks into a bag. He pulls one out and turns and slams the rock into the target.


Short Chapter I'm sorry! Haven't had time to type that much. Don't worry, next chapter will be surprising!

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