Mackenzie's POV
I wake to hear a bird. Singing in the sunrise.I feel my surroundings until I remember that I'm in a tree. I carefully get up and climb down the tree.
I'm face to face with Kristen Hancher.
"Kenzie, want to be allies?" She asks me.
I nod. "I need someone if I want to survive," I say.
She nods and gives me a backpack and a knife.
We both look around. She grabs my wrist. All of a sudden she falls through the ground.
"Kristen no!" I scream. I'm pretty sure I just let everyone know where I am but I don't care.
I grab her hand, trying to pull her out, "Help!" I scream.
Kristen has a single tear flow down her cheek.
"You really thought it was over, honey I'm just getting started," says a voice. I look up to see,
Tyler's POV
I grab my rope from my backpack and tie it around Kristen's neck.Her chest is still in the quicksand before I yank the rope back, snapping her neck.
Kenzie starts running, I start running after her. Seconds later, I hear the cannon go off.
Kristen's dead.
"Tyler leave me please I'm only 12!" She yells.
"I ain't got no pity for you!" I scream.
She stumbles on a rock and falls.
I lay on top of her, I plant her legs down with my knees and I grab both of her wrist and lay them above her head.
She jerks around, her leg gets loose and, "OOOH YOU LITTLE B**CH!" I yell, holding my balls.
She runs off and then I scream as I feel a sharp pain in my back.
I gasp for air before everything goes black.
Ariel's POV
It's dark now, then I hear a song before they show the people that died.It was, Paul, Kristen, and Tyler.
"No!" I scream/whisper.
I don't want to risk anything that could get me killed. I want to go home to my brother. The one who is watching me.
My family is the reason I'll win.
I look for a cave, and I see one with a small opening, I climb through it. It's really cramped.
I curl up to the side, then I hear a whimper close by.
This is how I'll die.
"A-a-Ariel?" I hear a voice say.
It's Weston...

Muser Games is forcing the BEST 10 musers to battle to the death in a hunger games arena. (I got inspired by What happens when two are left?