Ariel's POV
"No no no! Don't leave me! No no!! Mom! Jacob! Dad!" I scream as I race up and gasp for air.Deep breaths Ariel, it was just a dream. They didn't kill your family.
Tears fall rapidly down my face. I pant as I start balling.
I curl up into a ball, still hoping this is all a dream.
I hear a sly knock on my door.
"Come in," I croak.
Zach opens the door.
"I heard you screaming and crying, are you okay?" He asks me.
I shake my head no.
He walks over to me and puts an arm around me.
I turn my head into his chest and sob.
He rubs my arm with his hand. It feels nice. We lay down and I cuddle into his chest, thinking of our times as Zariel.
But now, if I don't work in these games right, I'll lose him forever.
I wake with a sudden chill.Zach was still here. He was already awake. He was laying on his back, staring at the ceiling.
"Morning Zach," I say.
He looks at me, with a concerned look, "Ariel I feel embarrassed for what I said at the interviews," he says.
"It's okay."
I don't want to tell him that I feel the same RIGHT before we fight to the death.
Oh no. That's today.
I jump out of bed and Zach and I race to the hall for our musicals.
Paul's POV
Everybody in these games are "known". Yeah I'm kinda popular but no body really focuses on me."Okay to your rooms to start preparing! You have 30 minutes to get dressed for your Musical.lys!" A man said.
We all separate into our rooms.
We all make our musicals.
They added a special feature called "save to sponsors/post" okay then.
Cat's POV
I've posted my final musical! Finally. They have definitely been my best.I pick up my phone and all of a sudden, everything goes black.
"AHHH HELP ME!" I scream banging on the transparent wall separating me and the open.I fall to the floor crying.
"You all are going to hell!" I scream.
The tube starts to rise.
"AHH HELP!" I scream.
I look up to see clouds, darkness like a gloomy, rainy day.
I calm down.
I look at the ground and it's covered by water.
I bend down and touch my finger to the water. The water is cold, it feels nice with the warm, humid air. I touch my finger to my mouth. The cold water slipping through my dry lips.
"Welcome to the first ever Muser Games! Let them begin!" John yells.
A gunshot goes off and everybody is standing on their platform confused.
"G-go! The games have started." John says.
We all jump into the water, swimming to the shelter with weapons and food.
I grab a knife, water, and nuts.
I run off into the beach.
The beach turns into a forest!
Then the forest turns into a desert.
As I take another step into the desert, I collapse.
A sharp pain in my foot, then everything is black.

Muser Games is forcing the BEST 10 musers to battle to the death in a hunger games arena. (I got inspired by What happens when two are left?