The Battle Within

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"Sequence what are you do-" The sentence was cut short as Sequence stood smiling, covered in the blood of his comrades." Just playing alittle game." He said then licked a stream of blood from above his lip.

"Have you gone mad" shouted another Abysion soldier running away from Sequence. "Wait until I inform captain Vandara of your betrayal."

"Aww, you don't want to play with me?" Said SequEnCe still smiling with glowing red eyes. "Or is tag more of your game? He continued as he started sprinting after the fleeing soldier. TAG, YOU'RE IT! He said while holding the soldier up with only the sword he placed in his back. "If you think that fool Vandara is going to stop me, you must've lost your mind." Said Sequence cutting the dying soldiers head off with his other blade. "No pun intended"  said Sequence with an evil grin.

"Sequence what the hell are you doing" called a voice.

"Hmm?" Said SequEnCe turning around. "Vandara, speak of the devil, me and my esteemed colleague were just talking about you". He said swing his blade to the side sending the soldier's corspe flying of his blade. " I was just telling him how fucked you all are and for some reason he thought you would be able to save him."

"Sequence I don't know what's come over you but you have to stop this." Said Vandara firmly.

"What's wrong with trying to have a little fun?" Said Sequence walking slowly towards Vandara. "You want to play?

"Sequence do not make me do this!" Vandara replied this time sounding angry. "This isn't who you are, what about world peace? "

"Peace is for the weak!" Shouted Sequence now in a sprint towards Vandara. "Lets play!"

"It would seem I have no choice." Vandara said pulling out his sword. "I guess ill have to beat some sense into you!" Yelled Vandara now sprinting towards Sequence.

CLANG* Their blades rang out now rubbing against each other. Now face to face Vandara looked into the eyes of Sequence.

"I knew it, what kind of evil has befallen you" said Vandara pushing him away.

"I don't know what you're talking about. I just finally came to the realization that this world can only be inhabited by demons for it to prosper." Retorted Sequence. "If only you would come to accept it maybe I wouldn't have to kill you, but I suppose its more fun this way." Said Sequence running at Vandara swinging his sword causing them to lock up again.

"You don't really believe that. This isn't you. SNAP OUT OF IT!" Shouted Vandara in the face of Sequence.

"Now now there's no need to yell, unless you're yelling in pain! Sequence yelled back while jumping back and spun swinging his sword at the head of Vandara who slightly leaned back to avoid the attack, leaving a small cut below his left eye.

"You missed." Said Vandara as he ran forward with an attack of his own. Faking left the spinning around to attack from the right caught Sequence off guard barely giving him enough time to raise his swords up to block.  Even though the attack was blocked it gave Vandara just enough time to sweep the legs out from under Sequence forcing him to fall to his back.

"Open you're eyes Sequence,  don't let yourself be controlled like this."

Sequence jumped to his feet and said. "Shut up and die, I'm sick of hearing your righteous bullshit."

The two continued to clash swords neither taking hit. Anytime one would attack, the other would always block or evade. They seemed to be at a standstill.

"We can do this forever or we can fight for something that matters." Said Vandara.

"The only thing I care about right now is killing you" said Sequence jumping into the air.

"NEPHILIMS RAGE" yelled Sequence as his sword began to glow with a completely black aura as he swung his sword downward at Vandara who was able to block it and counter.

"BURNING CATASTROPHE" yelled Vandara hitting Sequence with his sword which was now engulfed in fire, send him flying back until he came down hard on his back. "Now end this nonsense Sequence, you have to take control."

"ARHHHHHHHH" Sequence screamed in pain holding his head as his eyes returned to normal.

"You have to run Vandara,  I can't stop it." Said Sequence with both hands still on his head.

"I will not, I could never leave a soldier behind." Replied Vandara. "Not to mention my best friend. "

"ITS-JUST-TO-MUUUUCHHH!!!" Screamed Sequence again as his eyes turned back to the evil crimson color.

"You're going to regret that Vandara." Said the evil Sequence.

"SERAPHIS FURY" yelled Sequence as his entire body glowed with the evil black aura.

"No Sequence fight it, you must!" Shouted Vandara.

"Its too late to beg for your life now" Said Sequence radiating with the black glow now you must DIE! He said rushing Vandara.

"I was hoping it wouldn't come to this." Said Vandara gathering all of his mana. Sequence sprang forward and thrust his sword through Vandara's chest, looking into his eyes.

"I'm sorry my friend." Said Vandara.

"INCINERATION!" shouted Vandara as a gigantic explosion swallowed the two warriors...

Sequence woke up several days later on what appeared to be a warzone.

As Sequence scanned the battle field there were only bodies and black fire as far as the eye could see....

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