after 5 more years[6]

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boo packed her things to collage to MU and boo said'' mom dad this is my first time'' and so then they hug her and mom said'' we will miss you so much'' and boo said'' i know me too'' and dad said'' just don't tell anyone you are half human like your mother'' and boo said'' ok i will'' and so then boo kiss them both and went off and so then boo got out of the bus  with her things and sighed but enter the campas and got restorated and so then boo is a scare major but has a huge crush on sully and so then got the dorm room enterance all monsters are like her and boo said'' boo rose dark'' and got her key 321 and boo enter notice nobody there just one bed,window,desk and so then boo begin unpacking and made more halloween style[her style ever since her birthmark]'' and boo said'' dorm is done now the door'' and so then boo begin making the door black and sully come out and notice something and look at her and said'' she look familiar'' and so then sully tapped and boo said'' ha?[turn around and saw familiar face]sully'' and sully said'' hey boo long time no see'' and boo hug him and sully hug back and so then boo said'' can you help me decorate the door'' and sully said'' sure'' and so then we got it done and boo said'' wanna go outside to play like we use too'' and sully said'' ok'' and so then boo tickle him and ran away and sully smirk but chase her and so then boo ran off and sully said'' said'' come here!'' and boo said'' never'' and so then sully finally tackle her and boo laughed as rolling down with him and so then boo pinned him and sully said'' that was fun'' and boo said''me too[staring at her] he is so cute'' and sully said'' boo what are you looking at'' and boo stopped staring but blushing said'' sorry sully'' and sully said'' its ok boo'' and boo got off and sully said'' come on let go had some fun'' and boo said'' ok'' and we are reunited again

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