party of ROR[prank][14]

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boo said'' mike are you sure'' and mike said'' im postive boo'' and ooze kappa is nervous and so then we enter boo is shocked and hold sully hand and so then scott said'' hello'' and so then we are shocked and so then we dance except sully and boo said'' squishy bring sully in'' and squishy agree and made a invisble rope and sully joined but dance with her and as mikey is happy to see the trophy and so then johnny stopped the party but surprise of ooze kappa and boo hissed at him[her ex boyfriend] and so then we got paint and got us in a school paper and as boo said''grrr i can't believe he is a real jerk'' and we saw a squad and mikey told him to stop and johnny said'' you want us stopped raising money for charity that not cool'' and mike does hate charity but he said''  i wanna oto stop looking at us look like fools'' and so then johnny said'' you are making yourself look like fools[show them the paper] you never  going to be real scarers because real scarers look like us'' and boo still anger and johnny said'' if wanna look at the scare company there always hiring in the mail room'' and everyone laughed and boo walked away and sully agree so then mikey said'' hey hey don't listen to him we just had to keep trying'' and sully said'' no you need to stop trying you can train them of who you want but you can't who there are[walkes away]'' and boo said'' sully is right mike think about it[walks away] sully wait up'' and so then even they agree  sully said'' boo you are right he is a jerk but i agree with you'' and boo said'' that what i telling you ever since i dating him but i know he is real jerk'' and so then mike is shocked and said'' the big legs'' and so then boo doesn't like it 

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