first event[toxicity challenge][12]

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boo sleep upside down[plug her ears] and as mike got the bottom of the bed and sully is on top but snoring but left his hand on mike side and mikey was kissing it and sleeping on it as well and so then its morning and boo woke up and stretch and got off of it and saw sully&mike sleeping and so then got her clothes[like on top ] and shower before everyone wake up and so then boo put her clothes on and cloak on and unplug her ears and saw mrs squibbles making breakfast and boo said'' morning mrs squibbles'' and squibbles said'' morning boo want any pancakes'' and boo said'' oh course but im a vegaterian'' and mrs squibbles said'' oh course boo here is fruit and veggies for you'' and boo said'' thanks mrs squibbles'' and so then as so then mikey woke up and scream and knock sully over and sully said'' [look at mike] what are you doing'' and mike said'' its a paw on my bed'' and'' and sully notice he is kissing it and said'' were you kissing my hand'' and so then arguged and fell down and scott took a picture and said'' first morning in the house'' and art said'' we got a in the album'' and don said'' guys we got a letter'' and so then they read it and boo already ate and help mrs squibbles for the boys and boo said'' boys breakfast time'' and so then as they got down and sully come down and saw boo outfit and begin blushes and said'' woah'' and boo said'' hey sully good morning sleepy head'' and sully said'' you look amazing'' and boo said'' thanks sully i like it myself'' and sully said'' can i kiss you'' and boo said'' sure'' and so then we kissed and boo said'' you go eat ill be going outside'' and sully said'' ok'' and so then boo sat outside and as animals are around her and so then sully do the dishes and saw his girlfriend happy and so then sighed happy of love and so then when its dark we went to the sewer and boo walked and sully smirk and grabbed her hand and boo is shocked that sully is holding his hand and so then we stay there for a while as they call us and mrs squibbles cheered and so then as mike&sully vs each other and boo said'' hey sully good luck'' and sully said'' that babe do i get a kiss'' and boo said'' yes'' and so then we kissed and boo said'' see you at the end'' and so then later boo is shocked everyone is puffed and boo is shocked and so then boo tickle torture each one of them and all got back to normal

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