after few weeks[8]

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boo is a girlfriend of the johnny worthington and also a cheerleader from MU and ROR so then boo is living with in the same room with johnny every night but her other side not so sure yet and so then boo enjoy the sex with johnny and so then johnny hug her and said'' hey baby what are you doing[kisses her neck]'' and boo said'' mmmm johnny i was studying'' and johnny said'' oh good i get o do this[turn her chair and kiss her]mmm'' and boo kiss back and but jumped on him and johnny hold you and as fell on the bed making out and pulled away and johnny said'' you enjoy it'' and boo said'' yes i do'' and so then johnny said'' we will do it again'' and boo said'' yes'' and so then sully is always jealous and boo come down and said'' hey sully'' and sully said'' hey'' and boo said'' are you ok'' and sully said'' just jealous'' and boo said'' oh sully i still like you'' and sully said'' thanks boo'' and boo said'' anytime'' and so then boo practice a lot and at the game boo is a mu cheerleader and after its over johnny kiss you and boo kiss back and we all walked away boo hold hold his hand and johnny smile and he knows boo secret of being half human and sully keep staring at her and [she is so hot]'' and so then boo said'' sully what are you looking at'' and sully stopped staring said'' nothing'' and boo smirk said'' do you had a crush on me?'' and sully blushed said'' yes a little'' and boo giggled and so then we tickle fight together and so then boo did met johnny parents but so later boo hear moaning johnny is on love with randell and boo said'' what the hell!'' and boo enter shocked and saw randell and johnny almost having sex also nagged and boo said'' johnny what is going on here'' and johnny said'' baby i can explain'' and boo said'' its over![smack him with her magic]'' and boo begin packing but then took her cloak off and so then inner moka said''johnny worthington its time to learn your place[he is shocked and she kick him] we both don't need you anymore so long johnny worthington[walked away and put her cloak away  and crying sully said'' boo what is wrong'' and boo said'' nothing wrong sully to go'' and boo got her things and ran off and sully said'' boo!'' and boo got her things and cried by the tree and sully ran to her and said'' hey boo'' and boo hug him but still crying and sully said'' oh boo'' and so then boo calm down and said'' sully i like you i wanna ask you something'' and sully said'' sure'' and boo said'' ever since you enter monster high i started to had a crush on you and now ever since then but i know is johnny worthington is a jerk'' and sully said'' yes he is'' and sully said'' i like you boo'' and boo said'' really'' and sully said'' yes i do because i can do this[kiss her]'' and boo kiss back as lovers and we wrapped each other of happiness but then boo made a heart as inside boo+sully but best of us 

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