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North and Sandy shared a look; They knew that Aster had held a bit of a grudge against the winter spirit. But never had any of them figured that it ran this deep. They always figured it was equivalent to the yearly bickering that Aster held with North twice a year to see who's holiday was better. Or simply that it was over the fact that the two seasonal spirits were such opposites that conflict was just expected. And Jack's constant jester over the matter did thoroughly hide the seriousness and the entirety of the truth.

It seemed that even Jack, had his secrets.


Tooth's eyes widen with realization. All the pieces finally came together. Aster's reaction when Jack was chosen as the new Guardian, Aster's unusual bitterness towards Jack, his earlier resentment to have Jack near the (or any) children... Aster wasn't acting out of spite, or pettiness, it wasn't because their numberless differences, Or even because Jack ruined his holiday...

It was because Aster saw Jack as a threat to the children.

Even though Aster was wrong, after the storm Aster must of assumed that Jack was a danger. From the way Jack made himself viewed and what he said, Tooth couldn't blame Aster. Of course, Tooth understood what Jack had to do and why, and she held no fault against him for that.

But that was only because she knew the full story.

If she and Aster swiched places that night or if she was also there she would've held that same distain that Aster had for Jack!

Knowing Aster, the reason why he didn't fight him then and there, or tried to get him away from the people was because Aster knew that the fight would've result more blizzards and snow, doing more damage then help no matter who would come out as the victor. And left, probably to find a way to warm up the town faster. Tooth then shown a small smile, Aster was truly a Guardian through and through.

And Jack...

Never, had she thought that Jack was able to make such decisions. Never had she thought Jack had to make such choices. She supposed she made such assumptions about Jack was because she only saw him as a child, the very being she was assigned to protect. As a youth, as Impulsive and innocent.

But even children can hold depth.

*Authors note*

Heyo! Sorry it took me so long, originally the chapter was going to be a bit longer. But it wasn't as good, and figured that quality was better than quantity. And, uh, REVIEW!

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