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my favorite things

when you laugh and your eyes crinkle at the edges
sunrises that paint the sky
cold days where you can see your breath
hugs that seem to last forever and you never want them to end
listening to someone's heartbeat when you hug them
spooning under blankets
running your fingers over the rough spines of old books
the mellow feeling you get when you simply relax
that pocket of warm air under your comforter on cold days
the feel of snowflakes kissing your nose
puddle-jumping barefoot during summer showers with your best friend
the feel of wonder while at museums and aquariums
the smell of the earth after it's rained
wearing clothes that were hung to dry outside and smell like fresh air
wearing a new shirt
waking up refreshed and ready to take on the world
accomplishing and celebrating the small things in life
diving into a pool on a hot summer's day
getting a test back with a high grade
that wonderful feeling when you laugh hard and long after feeling sad
eating ice cream and having it drop down the cone onto your fingers
screaming as the roller coaster crests and begins it's descent
squeezing your friend's fingers when they're feeling anxious and/or scared
intertwining fingers to press your palms against another's
the sparkle in your eyes when you talk about something you love
falling into bed after a long day
clothes straight out of the dryer on early winter mornings
huge sweaters that envelop you like a wearable hug
tying your hair up in a messy bun
smiling over the rim of your mug at your significant other
being squished in a booth so your entire squad can fit
smiling so hard your cheeks hurt
large sweaters that reach your thighs and feel like wearable hugs
being friends with all of you

What's your favorite things?

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 08, 2016 ⏰

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