Part 6

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          "Don't ask why someone keeps hurting you, ask yourself why you keep letting them," a quote that I was told constantly growing up with my dad. He always told me to stand up for myself and walk away from any type of relationship that was abusive physically or mentally, whether it be friendships or relationships. So why couldn't I walk away from this, because no matter where I went or what I did he always came back. I can't stop it, I can't make it go away; I don't know how to make it stop.

          "ALLISON!" I hear someone shouting. I couldn't make out the voice, but I did know that the pain that just hit me was unbelievable. My eyes shot open and another wave of dizziness and pain hit me. I looked around, I was laying on the floor in my bedroom. I slowly raised my hand to my head and hissed in pain as I quickly retracted my hand. I looked and seen blood, and panic set in. My adrenaline must have kicked in because I was on my feet in seconds and in the bathroom. I looked at the shattered mirror and was horrified at my reflection. I had a bruised cheek, a cut right above my eye, bruises all over my arms and legs. I bent over to look and a new wave of pain hit me, making me drop to the ground. I quickly held my stomach, as my ribs  shot pain through my body. Then I looked, Ben did a lot of horrible things to me before, but not like this. I knew what had happened once I passed out, and it brought me to tears almost instantly. 

          "Allison!" Jessica says running into my room. I knew she had climbed the window because she had a leaf in her hair. She rushed over to me and sat on the ground taking in my appearance. The look on her face said it all, she was holding back her own tears. "Who did this?" she said as I looked at her with so much pain and hurt.

          "I....I tried to run..." I say as she pulls me into a hug. I let it all out, all my pain and anger, my sadness, just everything.

          "Oh Jessica," Ben's voice says again. Oh my god, I thought he had left. Jessica held onto me tighter, and I knew she was scared but didn't want to admit it.

          "What the hell did you do Ben!" She shouts at him getting up and leaving me on the floor. I looked at her phone on the ground. She was texting Nathan, and it looks like she told him to come here. I looked at her, because there was no way she could hold off till then. Ben locked eyes with me again and I knew he wanted round two.

          "I would mind my own business if I were you little girl, because I can do whatever the fuck I want to her, she is mine!" he snaps at her. Jessica flinches a little but doesn't back down.

          "You don't hurt the people you love," she says making him look at her with anger. Suddenly she was pushed to the ground and Ben was on top of me in seconds once again. He started ripping my shirt and when Jessica tried pulling him back, he shoved her again, making her hit her head on the shower. I tried pushing him off but because I was so weak he just pushed my hands away. When he started to pull my pants down I knew it was over again for the second time tonight.

          "What the fuck!" I hear someone say before Ben's weight was removed from my body. I quickly pull myself to the corner of the bathroom and curl up in a ball. I didn't know what was going on, and I didn't care.

          "Shit go get him!" I hear someone else shout as running was hear throughout the house. 

          "I'm fine help her," Jessica says with a groan. I fell someone touch me and I let out a plead to stop.

          "Allison, it's only me," Cameron's voice echos in my mind. I didn't think twice, I kept my eyes closed and pulled my body to his and clung to him for dear life. He must have been crouching down because he almost lost his balance but quickly regained it and wrapped protective arms around me. I buried my face in his chest and just stayed like that for awhile until I heard Nathan's voice enter the room again.

          "That prick is fast as hell... I lost him downtown," he says making my heart stop. Ben was still out there and he was angrier than ever. "Holy shit, you got yourself quite the bump," he says making me look over for a second. He was holding Jessica's face carefully in his hands and looking at the bump on her head. She was right, he was different than the act he puts on at school. 

          "Jessica why don't you clean her up a little," Cameron suddenly says going to let go of me. I quickly cling to him again and he stops.

          "Don't leave me," I whisper. He looks down at me with a sad look. "Please don't leave me," I whisper again as my eyes tear up. 

          "Take care of her, I'm going to go cool off," Jessica says walking out with Nathan. After awhile I feel myself being lifted off the ground and carefully placed on the counter in the bathroom. I open my eyes for the first time since the boys arrived and looked at Cameron as he looked around for a washcloth. I took in the mess around me, the mirror was broken, there was blood on the floor and things knocked all over. How did I let this get so far?

          "Hey, don't cry," Cameron says making me look at him. He was in front of me and carefully brings his hands to my face. I don't flinch, I just carefully watch him. What he does next shocks me, he holds my face with both his hands and uses his thumb to wipe the tears off my face. I just look at him, and soon the tears stop and he half smiles. "Can I?" he asked holding up the wet cloth. I nod and watch his every move. He carefully brings it to my head and as soon as he touches my cheek I flinch away. He looks upset and pained at my reaction.

          "Why did you come?" I whisper looking at the ground for a second until looking up. When I look at him, a look of confusion crosses his face. "I'm just a bet to you," I say holding back more tears. He quickly sets the cloth down and stands between my legs and holds my face again.

          "You're a person Allison, no one deserves this," he says making me look at him. He was avoiding the question, but why? After he cleaned my up a little, Jessica helped me change because my ribs hurt so bad I could barely walk. After Cameron helped me in bed, everyone was sitting on the bed silent.

          "Thank you," I say looking at the ceiling. I haven't looked at any of them since we sat here.

          "I should've gotten here sooner," Jessica says getting mad at herself.

          "No... Because who knows what he could've done to you too," Nathan says getting protective over her. "When I get my hands on him, his ass is dead," he adds on making Jessica smile a little. "No fucking way he is getting out of this," he says as everyone gets up. "You get some rest kid," he says with a smile at me. I don't look at him though. Jessica comes over and hugs me carefully before walking with Nathan. I feel Cameron get up and my hand quickly grabs his arm without even thinking. He stops walking and it was silent for a moment before my mouth opened before I could stop myself.

          "Stay with me... Please," I say with my eyes still closed but a single tear is felt dripping down my face. I hear him sigh and the bed dips down. He was laying down now, and I quickly curled up against him and he wraps a protective arm around me.....

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