Chapter one

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Karlee's p.o.v
It's been a year since Ma died. After the funeral, and getting revenge, we ended up killing Victor Sweet. But only a few days after, Bobby took off to God knows where, Angel and Sofi moved to New York, Jerry went to California to be with Camille before her and her family move to Canada, and Jack went back on tour with his band of idiots. So I've been every where. I went south to see some friends. I came back to stay for a few weeks. I went to Tennessee to see my grandparents. I went to California and New York to visit Jerry and Angel. I came back to Ma's house to clean a bit. I went to Florida to try and find myself, it definitely wasn't in Florida, now I'm back home in Detroit living in my childhood house with my boyfriend Marcus.

"Karlee get me a beer!" Marcus yelled from the living room. I went the fridge and got a beer and walked to him.

"Here baby. Hey it seems nice out tonight, if you wanna go for a walk maybe. Or maybe-"

"Sorry I don't want to walk around with a girl who looks like a prositute." He yelled. Tears came to my eyes as I walked into the kitchen. I wiped the tears away just as my phone rang.

"Hello." I said sniffling.

"Karlee? It's Angel. What's wrong? What happened?" Angel's voice came from over the phone.

"Oh hey Angel. And no honey I'm fine. But whats up?"

"Ok. Nothing just calling to check on my little sister."

"Oh okay. I'm glad you and Jerry care to call once in a while. The other two fucktards won't."

"Well Jack lost his phone and Bobby, well Bobby still his same old self and will turn up in a few days."

"Yeah, guess your right."

"So where you at now baby sis?" Angel spoke.

"Oh at home. Me and my boyfriend are living in the old house." I said, hoping he didn't notice the boyfriend part. But of course,

"Boyfriend!?" He screeched.

"Yeah. He's a guy I went to school with. He is very-"

"Karlee, you fucking whore, who are you talking to!" Marcus yelled.

"Who was that?" Angel asked.

"Uh no one. I need to go. Bye Angel."

"Wait me and the boys-" Marcus snatched the phone and hung up.

"I asked you a damn question." He slapped me, he then kick me so I fell and continued kicking. I know what your thinking. You're a Mercer you're supposed to be bad to the bone, hit him back. Trust me I have. I have fought so hard. I've left before but he has always found me.

I can see the boys disappointed faces pop into my head. Especially Bobby. I can hear him now.

'I tough you better. Get up amd fight you damn wimp.'

After he is finished, he grabs a beer, his car keys, his coat and he's gone. I get up limp up the stairs to mine and Jacks old room. Nothing has changed in here. Me and Marcus usually sleep and Ma's room. I went to his side of the room and opened his dresser. I found one of his old sweatshirts with some band on the front. It smelt like cologne and cigarettes.

It smells like Jack.

I put it on and it drapes down my bruised body. I saw one of his lighters on the desk beside the bed. I picked it up and looked at it.

Damn I miss my brothers.

I walked down the hall and looked at all the pictures. Bobby's school pictures. A picture of me with my front tooth knocked out from playing hockey. Jerry and Angel sitting on the couch. Me, Bobby, Angel, and Jerry waiting on to meet our new brother. That was the day Jack came home.  Then there was me and Bobby with out hockey jerseys on. Jack and Me with matching pebbles and bam bam Halloween costumes. And last but not least a picture with Ma, Bobby, Jerry, Angel, Jack, and I at it was at Angel's birthday. That was the last time we were all together as a family. Damn I miss that to. I wobbled up to the room I was sleeping in. I went in and locked the door. I don't trust him while I sleep. I put my hair in a bun and pulled the covers back. I got in bed and just layer there. I want him out.

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