chapter three

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After Bobby let Marcus go, he ran off. Jack. Got out of Jerry and Angel's grip and ran towards me. I grabbed my and hugged me.

"Are you okay?" He asked.

"Am I okay? Am I okay? Jack are you crazy! You could've gotta seriously hurt! Look at your eye and your lip!" I yelled at him. He flinched and I took a deep breath.

"But I'm not. Look at me. Other than my eye and my lip, I'm fine. I'm alive ain't I?"

"C'mon Karls, look at him he's breathing." Bobby tried.

"Yeah he's fine, ain't that right Jackie?" Angel said, patting Jacks shoulder. I took a breath and rubbed my hand over my mouth.

"Whatever. Just get your asses in the car."

"Jack you're riding with me. She can't yell if you're in my car. Jerry ride with our sister calm her down." I got in my car and watch Bobby, Angel, and Jack talked until they got in his car. Jerry got in and watched as I turned the car on.

"Ya know, he was just trying to protect you. He was doing what Angel, Bobby, and I have always taught him. Protect the girl in every situation, do whatever it takes. Especially when it was something for Ma or you."

"I know that, Jerr. I just couldn't live with myself if some thing happened to him. Do you know how many nights I didn't sleep because I was beating myself up for letting him get shot. He spent three months in the hospital. After you left to Cali, Angel and Sophie took off to New York, and Bobby went God knows where, I fought myself if he needed to go on that damn tour. I worried every night. Not just about him, but everyone. If y'all were alright. Were y'all sick? Were y'all hurt. What happen if I let him go? He has been through enough as kid before we met him, he's only 17, Jerry. I worry about everyone, but mainly Jack. You three are older, and know how to take care of yourselves. But Jack. Jack's so fucking broken already. What if something happens and it's right under my nose. I now understand what Ma felt like. God!" I cursed hitting the steering wheel.

"Okay calm down. I know how you feel. I almost didn't go to California, because I was worried. The only reason I did leave is because you were there with him. And when you called and said he went on tour with his band of fucktards, I wanted to track his skinny little ass down and personally drag him home, but i have to trust that, he would be okay. Trust me Karls, he has watched all of us enough to that when he makes mistakes he needs to fix them."

Finally we arrived home. The boys were already here. When we walked up to the door, I heard Bobby.

"Good job, Jackie-O. I'm so fucking proud if yo-and you never fucking do that again. Go to your room you little rascal. Go on, get." Jack ran up the stairs. I see that Bobby changed what he was gonna say when I opened the door.

"Nice try Bobby. Jack! C'mere babe!" I put my purse on the counter.

Jack came to the top of the stairs and looked down.

"Are you calm?"

"Am I yelling?" I chuckled. "I wanted to say thank you for standing up for me. Even if you did get hurt." I sighed.

"Karlee, I'm fine." He laughed.

"I'll believe you when these day come that all the Mercer kids stay in one town for three months."

"Speaking of that, me and Sophie were talking about moving back, hanging around for a little." Angel said. "Plus you'll need someone to help you around here." He laughed.

"Yeah, since Camille has officially moved to Canada, I'll be here to." Jerry said.

"Bobby don't tell me, you are going to be the only one leaving."

"I'll not sure, depends on how somethings go." He laughed.

"But you! Kiddo you have no choice, you're staying here. Be nice to know you're okay and see with my own eyes." Angel said to Jack. Jack rolled his eyes and Bobby ruffled his hair.

"Alright I'm gonna go get a shower. Please don't burn done the house. I'm talking to you, Bobby." I looked directly at him. He rolled his eyes.

"Ya burn down one tree house and they act like you're gonna burn down the white house or something." He grumbled, grabbing a beer from the fridge.

"Oh and I'm gonna need help from someone to get Marcus' shit in boxes when I'm through." I said going up the stairs.

After I got done showering, I went down to see Angel and Jerry wrestling and Bobby leading them on.

"Angel and Jeremiah Mercer, cut it out." I said.

"You sound like a mom on Easter." Bobby said.

"Shut up, Bobby. No one asked your opinion." I said.

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