chapter 5

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Karlee's pov
When I woke up the next morning, there was yelling. To my surprise, it wasn't Bobby. I got out of my bed, seeing jack still asleep. I swear, he could sleep through a tornado.

I grabbed a old jacket with the zipper broken, that was once Jerry's. I'm not giving it back. I put it on over my spaghetti strap and booty shorts. I loved wearing their jackets. They feel like dresses. Except for, Bobby. He's too short. Anddddd I'm rambling.

Anyways I went downstairs to see Jerry leaning against the door way to the living room. From what I heard, it was Sophie and Angel. Sophie must have came in last night or this morning.

It was all cool, until Sophie put her hands on angel. She slapped him, but he didn't hit her back. Mama raised him better. I raised him better.

"Sophie!" I yelled from the doorway. I was leaning on one side and had my arms crossed. "Look I like you and all, but if you ever, and I mean ever put your hands on anyone of them, I will shoot you. Do you understand?"

"Fuck you, Karlee! This isn't your business! Learn to stay out of your brother and my business. Or I will do worse." She shouted.

At this time Bobby and Jack were awake and standing in the stairs. That pissed me off even more because her yelling woke them up.

"Sophie. I don't give a fuck about you and Angel's business. But if you put your hands on my little brother again, I will take you to the floor by the hair on your head." I said calmly.

"Oh, like this?" She slapped him. Angel's jaw tightened. I warned her.

I grabbed her hair and punched her on the way to the floor. She punched me in the stomach and I kneed her. She yanked my hair as I repeatedly punched her.

I felt arms around me. I glanced and bobby's arms around my waist and Jerry's hand on my forearms. Angel lifted the bitch up.

"Angel! Get your bitch out of here!" Bobby exclaimed.

Angel carried her to the front door and locked her out.

"Get your ass outta here!" He said.

My boys started examining my face, everything was cool until...

Glass shattered. Sophie broke mama's front window.

"I know she didn't just break something on mama's house." I said calmly. I balled my fist up and looked at the broken glass.

"No one is gonna fucking hold me back now. That's was ma's only rule. Try not to break shit! That was intentional!"

"Karlee. Karl's c'mon. Calm down." Angel tried, as I made my way to the door.

"Sit down and shut up little brother. Bobby hold my Beretta. Jack stay in here, boys if he cones out, I'm whipping all your asses, got it?" I opened up the door ready to whoop some ass.

Jacks POV
I tried to follow her to stop her, but jerry made me sit. Every time I heard sofi scream I flinched. One thing about it though. My sister never screamed in pain once.

Soon enough, there was sirens. The neighbors must have called when they heard screams.

"C'mon. Let's go get her." Bobby said.

He opened the door first and we all see Sophie with paramedics around her and Karl in handcuffs. They were cuffed in the front so when she saw us she waved. She smiled and I saw she had a black eye and blood in her mouth. But Sophie looked way worse. She had already black and blue bruises forming and blood oozing from her hairline. We walked up to officer Daniels, he has known us for a long time.

"So how much trouble she in?" I asked.

"Well this is probably going to be passed as self defense, so probably nothing." He stated. "But she has to go to the office for Green to get her side. (As you can tell, green didn't die in here, but fowler did) Do y'all wanna ride with me down there?" He said. We nodded and got in the car following behind the one Karlee is in. Sofi had to go to the hospital to be examined before getting booked.

When we arrived at the station, we followed Karlee who was laughing as she insulted a cop. That's my sister!

"Green! Gotta Mercer!" Daniels shouted.

"Yeah,I heard they're a in town, which one?!"

"Ohhhh! Greeny boyy!" Karlee said as she stepped in front of him.

"Karlee Mercer. Bout' time you got in here."

Karlees POV
"Well, damn Green. Are you that excited to see me?" He uncuffed me and led me to a back room.

"You know, I remember the first time you came in here. You had just got to the Mercer house and 13 or 14. It was when my dad still worked here. I cane to visit him and I saw you. Scared and jumpy. Only time I saw you like that. Then Bobby came and picked you up. You were so scared. Then he high five you, and everything is was okay." He laughed.

"Yep then about a year later, I was the one to come down here and get Jackie. Did exactly was Bobby did. High fived him."

"Why do all the Mercer turn out like that?"

"Not sure."

"Okay so why are you here?" He asked.

"I don't know. You have the paper." I sassed him.

"You beat up Sophie, now ain't she your brothers girl friend?"

"She knocked out the front window of my mama's house."

"So she destroyed personal property." Green said.

"She put her hands on Angel. No green you know that if you mess with one Mercer, you usually have another you gotta mess with to live." I smiled.

"Okay, okay. So I'm putting this as personal defense. Go home." He laughed.

"Thank you, Green. See ya later!" I got up and went to leave. "Wait Green?"


"Sophie get put away for this?"

"Tell ya what. I'll fine her 1 grand for y'all to fix that window, and I know you gonna want some extra. And I'll tell her to stay away from the house for a week. If she comes on your property within a week, call us, she'll be put away. Alright?"

"Okay! Thank you." I left.

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 01, 2017 ⏰

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