chapter 4

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"I'm gonna go shower. I smell like cigarette smoke." Jack went up the stairs.

"Guys, I think we need to make Jack stop smoking."

"What. Jack has been smoking since he was 15. Why stop him now?" Angel said.

"Have you not noticed? He coughs if he walked too much. And his coughs sound plain horrible and he heaves for air. All the time. It's hurting him. And i think he needs to stop drinking.
None of us drank at 17. Except Bobby."

"I agree with you." Jerry said.

"I see your point but this isn't going to be easy." Angel said.

"I want the kid to be healthy but, really, is now the time?"

"Yes, Bobby, it is." I said. Bobby sighed.

After about thirty minutes we heard a voice. "I may or may not have drained the hot water." Jack laughed coming down the stairs.

He went to grab a beer from the fridge.

"Nope give me this. You're too young. And," I reached into his jacket pocket and grabbed his cigarettes and lighter."you're done with these to."

"Karlee! You can't do that. I need my cigarettes." Jack said.

"I agree, with Karlee. You're health is more important." Jerry said.

"No! You can't agree with her!" Jack yelled at Jerry.

"If this is a joke, it's sick please give me my stuff." Jack reached out for his things.

"Jack you need to understand you don't need them." Angel said.

"Oh so now you're on her side too. Bobby please don't. Please I need cigarettes.  I can live without beer. Just please let me have the cigarettes."

"Jack, just go to your room." Bobby sighed.

"No I want my stuff!" Jack yelled.

"Jack, go." Bobby said more sternly.

"Fuck off!" Jack yelled.

"Jack go to your fucking room before I whip your ass! You're not getting the damn cigarettes so leave it the fuck alone!" Bobby yelled. And pointed up the stairs. Everyone looked at him in disbelief. No one has ever yelled at Jack since he arrives at the Mercer home.

Jack bolted up the stairs with a look of panic.

"Bobby." Angel said slowly.

"I just yelled at him." Bobby just got hit with realization. "I just yelled at a boy who hates yelling because it reminds him of his abusive past. I'm a fucking idiot." He cried out.

"Bobby calm down, okay? You get irritated." Jerry said.

"I'm uh. I'm gonna go for a ride. I'll be back later." Bobby grabbed his keys.

"Bobby wait!" I yelled but he has done walked out the door.

"Let's all just calm down. Let's give them some time to calm down, well Bobby at least. He will clear his head and be back. As for Jack, Karlee I think you should go talk to him." Angel said.

"Why me?" I asked.

"Because you remind him the most of mom." Jerry said.

"Fine." I groaned. "But please go get Bobby. The last thing I need right now is to go get him from jail." I said as I went up the stairs.

I went in Jack's room to see him with tears running down his face.

"Jack." He looked up with blood shot eyes.

"Karlee, please just go away." He pleaded.

"Baby, please. We have already gotten past this. You know that no one is gonna hurt you."

"I know that, Karls. But why did he yell?"

"Baby boy, you know Bobby has a short temper. I'm not saying that's an excuse, but he didn't mean to." I rubbed his head. He nodded. "And you know, he will be up here in a little bit to beg for forgiveness."

He smiled and put his head down on my shoulder. His wet nappy hair in my eyes.

"Little boy, you need a hair cut."

"Little girl, so do you." I giggled at him and his door opened. Behind it was teary eyed Bobby.

"Jack, I'm so sorry." Jack picked his head up and the look of fear was back in his eyes.

"Jackie, calm down. It's just Bobby. See Bobby." I motioned toward the emotional Bobby.

He relaxed a little but still had fear.

"Jack, please. I'm so stupid. I should have never yelled. You hate yelling. But I raised my voice at you. I'm so sorry." Bobby sat on the ground.

Jack started scraping at his arms. It's a habit he had before he started smoking. I rubbed his his back. He turned to look at me and I smiled.

"It's alright, Bobby." He whispered.

"No, its not Jackie."

"If you don't hush and listen to me accept your apology, I will throat punch you. I swear."I laughed at Jack's response. Bobby smiled.

"Are we done with the lovey dove shit now?" Angel asked from the door way. Him and Jerry were standing there watching us.

"What can I say? We're a lovey dove family." I said ruffling jacks hair.

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