chapter two

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A knock on the door woke me up.
These damn motherfuckers better not have a god damn shitty ass reason to wake me up.

I know it wasn't Marcus because he would be banging and cursing and yelling. I trudge downstairs. I opened the door and rubbed my eyes.

"Well I see you still like to wear my clothes to bed." I heard a deep voice said. I quickly opened my eyes to see all four of my brothers standing there.

I squealed so loud then jumped into the closest one to me, which happened to be Jack, my legs was wrapped around his waist. My arms were around his neck and I had my head buried in his neck.

"Damn okay, calm down." Angel said.

I got down and hugged all the guys then we fled inside.

"I see your happy to see us." Jerry said.

"Damn right. Now go sit your asses in the living room and I will start breakfast."

"Oh god we raised her right. We ain't even here for 10 minutes and she's making breakfast." Jerry pretended to wipe his fake tears. I rolled my eyes.

"Jack hit him." Jack slapped him upside the head. Jerry went to hit him back.

"Jerry I wouldn't. We know how she gets over Jackie. She's worse than Bobby." Angel said. Jerry looked at me and I cut my eyes at him.

When I got into the kitchen I went and grabbed the eggs.

"So you haven't changed it here, have you?" Bobby asked. I turned and looked at him.

"Tried not to." I said.

"So how have you been I mean with-"

"Why haven't you called, Bobby?"

"Just been busy an-"

"Don't give me that shit, Bobby. I know it's not true."

"Okay to tell you the truth. I didn't wanna come home. I hated knowing Ma died, and Jack was very close to dieing and there was nothing I could do about it." Bobby sighed.

"Trust me. I know how you feel. "

"Can we get over this and move on?" He asked. I sighed. I nodded and he hugged me.

"Okay. Now, help with breakfast."

After me and Bobby (well mainly me while Bobby making a mess) was done with breakfast, we were all sitting at the table. After we said grace, we were sitting and just chatting and filling our faces.

The door was pushed open.

"Karlee!" Marcus' voice echoed through the house. I sighed.

"Excuse me." I said. I walked into the doorway between the living room and dining room.

"Uh Marcus, come meet my brothers." I said. He looked over at me with an evil eyes but when he got into view of the boys, a sweet, innocent, fake as hell smile came on his face.

"Hi. So you are the brothers I hear about, and see pictures of."

"Depends on what you hear and see." Bobby laughed. Marcus sat at the table and made him a plate.

Everyone was joking and messing around, except Jack. He continued being silent with a cold glare on Marcus.

"Jack, honey, eat your food."

"Oh God here she goes." Jerry laughed.

"What?" I giggled.

"Acting like a mother. You've done it since we met Jack." Angel said.

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