S2E5- Big Mistake

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Impossible S2E5-Big Mistake

INT.Dalton's House-Morning
Dalton is sitting at a dinner table with four different henchmen including RYAN, and SEAN.

Dalton: So I brought you guys here to continue my Grandfather's legacy. one hundred thousand each if you bring Jake to me dead..Two million if you bring him to me alive...Shaine actually thinks we're on good terms, which is good because it'll be easier to get rid of Jake...Once and for all.

Ryan: And the traitors here because?

Sean: I'm not a traitor.

Ryan: Sure you are. You blew our cover got several of our friends killed and let Jaxon go. Does that not describe a traitor to you?

Dalton: That's the whole reason why he's here. They don't know that Sean is working with me..Again! Ha! But soon...*laughs* Soon they will know.

INT.Lucky's house-Morning
(Shaine and Lucky are sitting on the couch kissing each other repeatedly when Shaine gets a text message.)

Shaine: We'll continue this later, I have class.(kisses Lucky)

Lucky: Ugh, Why can't you have an evening class like a normal human being?

Shaine: Don't you know by now that I'm not normal.

Lucky: Promise?

Shaine: Babe, ( passionately kisses Lucky.) I promise. I gotta go. I hate being late and having the whole class stare at you while you take your seat. (Gets off the couch.)

Lucky: Come back here.

(playfully pulls Shaine back down and continues kissing her. Shaine removes her shirt revealing her bra. They pause..)

Lucky: You sure?

Shaine: Please.

(She moves higher atop him ... she reaches to the side of the couch... her hips above his face now, moving ... slightly, oh-so slightly ... his face strains towards her. Kissing her softly.)

Shaine: (says breathlessly.) Lucky.....

INT.Lecture Hall-Morning
Steph is sitting at a desk when Shaine arrives and sits down next to her, handing her a muffin and a yogurt.

Steph: You're late, I texted you twenty minutes ago.

Shaine: Sorry..Got sorta held up.

Steph: Wait a minute..Did you get Lucky with Lucky?

Shaine: Maybe..

Steph: Oh My God Shaine. So?..How was it?

Shaine: I don't kiss and tell.

Steph: Come on you can't just hook up with the most famous artist at this school and not share the details. Spill..

Shaine: Gosh okay, it was fun.

Steph: That's it just fun? No excitement?, No whips and chains?

Shaine: Ew Steph this isn't Fifty Shades of Grey. I'm not into that type of stuff. It's just with Lucky..He's so gentle..He knows just the right things to do.

Steph: Ugh, you are so lucky..So you and Lucky..Are you guys exclusive?

Shaine: I'd like to think we were..But it's awkward because he's basically best pals with Jake now after that whole Jail fiasco.

Steph: Gross.

Shaine: I know right..

Steph: Wonder what they talk about..

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