[Requested][Blue Exorcist] Rin X M/FM! Reader

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A/N: I'm so sorry everyone! Life has been getting me down and stuff has happened but I'm going to try to get all your requests done! This one was requested by bbykags~ Sorry for the very long wait!

"I'm just lost at what I'm supposed to be doing anymore Rin! I've taken all advanced classes, I've looked at all possible future jobs that used to interest me – but that's just it. They used to! I get these moments where I don't want to do (dream job) but do (random job) instead and then I flip because – oh god, what if I took all those classes for no reason? What if I'm not on the right track for (dream job)?! What if I don't decide to go to college? ..."

The black-blue haired teenager listened to the hysterical (male/female) on the other line with a concerned look on his face as he picked up on the faintest crack in (his/her) voice, his blue eyes flickering this way and that as he tried to decipher the words being told to him. Laying on his back in a rather baggy red tee-shirt and a pair of black basketball shorts with a magazine for what appeared to be containing cooking tips and such, his burning blue eyes finally settled on the shadow covered ceiling. Now that the fifteen year old had something to focus on, he took a mental breath and started picking through the emotional words being spoken to him by his newest yet closest friend, (Name), whom was located in (where you live). It wasn't too close to him and the only reason you two knew each other was through you two's pen pal program. You were (years apart) years his (senior/younger) friend.... that didn't stop you two from being as close as you were. 

This being said Rin had, surprisingly, taken it upon himself to learn a little of your native language to be able to better talk to you without Google Translate; likewise for you. This made it possible to talk to each other on the phone, able to hear each other's voices and even video chat at times. Despite the language and distance barrier, it was the only thing that kept you two apart. There wasn't a secret between you two, not even the demon one as basically everyone that he had befriended here knew; the second you had learned it you merely replied, "So? You're still Rin. You've been Rin this whole time haven't you? Yeah, I thought so. Now, how are you?". It was nothing but relief off his chest when he told you and you had only gotten sassy with him. On a few video calls he let you see his tail and, consequently, Kuro as the demon cat wanted to bat at the rather fluffy appendage. You had found it adorable but kept your mouth shut as to not damage his pride... or something like that.

"(Name), calm down. Take a breath, okay? I'm here and I'ma stay on the line with 'ya until you feel better. Now... listen to me closely, can you do that?"

In all the months he had known you not one had you ever lost your head– or even cried but there you were, on the phone crying like a child over your life decisions to him. Rin had to smile a little at the fact you were confiding in him, not many trust Rin enough for that... and it thrilled him that you trusted him enough. 

There was a sniffle on the other end. "...Y-Yeah." You managed to choke out. 

Rin's lips tugged up in an even wider smile, the tip of his tail flicking in happiness. Not many even wanted to obey him.

"(Name)," He began, his tone in one of those parental ones– soft and loving yet strict and serious. Hell, his eyes even softened up a bit. "so what if you don't know what you're going to do right now. How much time do you have? Months? Years? You have time and you shouldn't stress over it. Last we talked you had how many scholarships? Oh right, a lot. It takes a lot of patience and brain-power to even begin one of those– let alone actually get approved!

Kuro had settled onto the bed on top of Rin's arm and had fallen asleep as the boy spoke, Rin not noticing until his younger twin had opened up the door to his room. As mean as it was, though Rin knew his younger twin needed something, the look in his eyes said it all, Rin simply gave a halfhearted wave in recognition and continued talking to the (male/female) on the other end. It was just before he spoke that he registered (Name) was on the other end calming (himself/herself) down.

"If you aren't sure what you want to do go shadow the people who do the job– what the hell was that again..?" Rin trailed off, eyes squinted at the ceiling. Before his brother or friend could speak he was speaking again. "Anyway, be you! Weigh the options and if you don't like one job fuck it and go to the other one! ...But don't literally fuck it, ya'know? That's uh... That'd be...," Rin's eyebrows scrunched up at this and his mouth twisted, biting his lip a bit. "...Uhm... yeah...," there was a bit of a pause on his end; (Name) at (his/her) residence trying to hold in (his/her) laughter. They could already picture the face Rin was making at the moment. "...Just don't literally fuck it, (Nickname),just be like 'Bye, I quit' then go get some food or something– what the hell, I don't even know. Don't listen to me, I'm only here to support your bad choices and cheer on fights– Yukio, how does one quit a job after they thought it was their dream one?"

When Rin looked over at his youngest twin he saw a very judgmental look on his brother's face and one that told of his bewilderment at what he just heard. 

"...I wouldn't know, Rin. I wouldn't know." Yukio finally replied after a short stare down between them. "But I imagine you should be smart about  i–"

"He said 'very carefully', (Nickname)." Rin gave his sibling a shit eating grin to which Yukio was immediately fuming at. 

"Don't put words in my mouth." Yukio glared. "Didn't even let me finish." He added in a mumble.

As if hearing Yukio's words, (Name) replied on the other end, "It's not nice to lie on people, (embarrassing nickname for Rin)~"

It was Yukio's turn to have a shit eating grin while Rin began pouting, his lip poking out in a dramatic fashion. If he went holding the phone he would have crossed his arms over his chest and hugged himself as he pouted though his tail tip did twitch in slight annoyance upon hearing the nickname you chose.

"I'm hanging up." Rin mumbled childishly before taking on a teasing look, casting it at his brother. Yukio had sat on the rolling chair in Rin's room, picking through his brother's books to see if he'd even attempted his homework. He hadn't. "You're a big meanie like Yukio-kun~!"

Rin cooed that out in an imitation of the girls at school, how they would say his twin's name with such... ugh. The youngest twin flinched and slowly looked at the eldest, a narrow eyed unimpressed look upon his face. The softest growl sounded from the younger which then turned into a playful yet embarrassed grin at your next words. 

"At least Yukio has nice hair!

(Name) stayed only a few seconds longer to hear the loud gasp that sounded from Rin then hung up. 

(Name) had started (his/her) night out with nothing but stress but so glad that (he/she) decided to call Rin, (his/her) friend to vent to... because now, even with it being so late in the night where he was and how (early/late) it was with her, Rin kept calling to try and (at first) bully you into saying he had the nicer hair but then changed the tactic up to sweet talking. Let's just say, you had plenty of laughs at and with both brothers – Yukio had even stuck around to help you tease Rin.


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