chapter 3 awkward much?

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P.s. she's wearing that when she wakes up :2

Lauren's prov

So it was kinda awkward when Ethan said so fast that he wanted to walk with me? But i don't really care, any who when we where walking it looked like he wanted to say something. But i could be wrong? But then again i could be right? Heck with it i would just start of talking and then it hit me he FINALLY SAID SOMETHING but then i stood in shock. All that was going through my mind was.......Did he really just tell me......

Ethan's prov

It was REALLY awkward and when i say really i mean REALLY awkward. I couldn't think of anything to say and i was really hoping that she would start off saying something but guess what she didn't, so it was my turn. I didn't have a clue on what to say? So i just blurted out something random (a/n random dancing lol) So when me and Grayson were little we used to poop in the conner. OMG i can't believe i just told her that!

Grayson's prov (a/n i but you didn't see that coming)

Wow all i could say was Wow.....She was gorgeous, beautiful, magnificent and breath taking. I hope she doesn't think I'm weird! anyways her and Eth are taking 4Ever plus I'm really hungry.

Lauren's Prov

Did he really just tell me that they used to poop in to conner. OMG I'M DYING!!!!! I tried not to laugh but i couldn't help myself, all i could do was this BWWWHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH i said rolling on the ground i feel so bad for Ethan he didn't say anything instead he ran away. I feel horrible :{

Ethan's prov

OMG i can't believe i just said that agh that ruined my chances with her so i just ran away instead which made it 10x worst.

I made it back to the apartment safe but saw that the door was open and i looked in and saw...............

(A/N lol sorry cliffhanger again i love them so much and I'm sorry if it sucks and everything but i tried and I'm sorry I'm tired and i couldn't think of anything and i did this for Gigi4568 so shoutout to her but any who i would love to do a Q?A if y'all want just please leave Q's and ill give my A's but PLEASE SHARE THIS STORY IT WOULD MY THE WORLD TO ME PLEASE thanks Night (or morin) Love y'all peace out xoxo) P.s i got to432 words yay but i'll go now bye

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