Chapter 12

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Chapter 12 – Harry’s P.O.V

I have just spent the most amazing night with the most amazing girl. If I thought I was smitten before, well, that’s nothing on how I’m feeling now. She is so down to earth, I like that about a girl. She hasn’t once treated me like a fan would. She has been nothing but nice, opening up and telling me all about herself. Asking questions about my life and spending this entire evening with me. I feel like the luckiest guy right now

I think it was time to wrap up the night though. Liam and Zayn had already taken off so we were left with a very happy Louis who looked like he was having the time of his life even if he was partying on his own. I had to laugh at how carefree he was

I looked over at Niall who was so wrapped up with Steph. They were looking at each other adoringly chatting away about I don’t know what because the music was so loud, but the pair of them looked happy

The two girls had agreed on spending the next few days with us and I was over the moon about it. I didn’t want them to go I wanted more time.

Chase touched my face. I turned to look at her and smiled

“You look deep in thought, what are you thinking about?” she asked me

“I’m happy I got the chance to meet you” I told her “Because if I didn’t I would have never known how amazing you are. And even though I only met you today, I like you Chase, I really like you”

She smiled and blushed then hid her face away. I placed my hand under her chin to lift her head back up and look at me

“Why do you hide away?” I asked

“I don’t know. I didn’t think it would be like this, meeting you” she said

“What do you mean” I was a little confused

“I mean, I didn’t think it would feel so normal. I’ve dreamed of meeting you and the boys for some time now and that was a different feeling compared to how I’m feeling now” she told me “I like you to Harry, and not like a fan. I like you for who you are, as a person. You’re such a gentleman and I feel comfortable being around you” she smiled and rested her forehead against mine

I took that opportunity to press my lips against hers and steal a kiss. She definitely knows how to make a guy feel good about him self

She pulled away and rested her arms around my neck “You’re amazing” she said breathlessly

“Should we get out of here?” I asked her

“What?” she said nervously, like I had just asked her to go home with me

“Oh, no not like that, I mean should we leave and get some rest, so we’re not all too tired tomorrow” I explained

She breathed a sigh and smiled. I would never suggest that, not this early anyway I’ve only just met her. Though I can’t hide my feelings much longer I really like her and I want her to be mine and only mine. She had this effect on me that I can’t really explain

“I knew that” she giggled “Come on then, we can put those two in a taxi and take Louis with us” indicating towards Steph and Niall

Probably a good idea. No one had really heard a word out of those two since we got here, they were too busy either whispering in each other’s ears or attached to each other’s faces. I looked at Chase, who was probably thinking the same as me, she had a big smile on her face

“So who gets to break them up so we can leave” she giggled

I didn’t want to and I don’t think Chase wanted to either

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