Chapter 27

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Last chapter with Niall and Steph P.O.V's i can't believe this is almost over :(

Niall’s P.O.V

I can’t say the entire night was disastrous. Apart from the pain in my knee, I actually had fun with everybody, it was a good laugh just what everyone needed after today’s series of unfortunate events.

Steph told me that Chase has been snappy and moody towards Harry because of what happened, but I think that tonight cured whatever was bugging her because the two of them looked so happy curled up with each other chatting away and laughing with everyone, and generally looking well and truly loved up

As for me, I was enjoying the company, it was nice having everyone together to take the edge off, it’s kind of what you need now and then because the media can get crazy and the made up scandal from today was no different than any other. The poor girls I can’t even begin to imagine how they are feeling about it all

Still, sitting here with everyone makes you kind of forget what happened for the moment, and everyone is happy

“Ni, are you ok” I heard Steph whisper in my ear

I turned to her and gave her a smile “Sure, I’m great”

“Are you sure, you kinda zoned out on us all for a bit” she chuckled

I didn’t even notice

“Must be the pain medication, its making me a little drowsy” I said, resting my hand on her knee

She placed her hand on top of mine and smiled “Are you tired? Do you want to go to bed?” she asked

I looked around and everyone began to look a bit sleepy, Chase was almost asleep on Harry’s lap. I looked at the clock and it was almost one in the morning, wow time flies

“Yeah, that sounds like a good idea, I don’t even know how I’ve managed to stay awake this long” I laughed

I was just about to tell the lads I was off to bed, when Louis stood up and beat me to it

“Right lads, my eyes are like sand paper so I’m going to hit the sack” he announced pulling Eleanor up with him

“I think all of us are mate look around” Liam chuckled quietly

We all had a little bit of a laugh before everyone said goodnight to each other, then headed off to their rooms. Steph said a quick goodnight to Harry as he carried a sleeping Chase towards his room, I honestly can’t get over how adorable those two are it’s like they were meant for each other

“Here, let me help you” Steph said holding her hand out to me

I grabbed it as she helped me up “Thanks” I said giving her a warm smile

She held her arm around my waist for support as we walked to my room. I cringed after I opened the door, I had forgotten about my room and there were clothes and shoes everywhere, shit.

“Sorry about the mess” I shrugged

She giggled “Don’t even worry about it, just jump into bed and get some rest, you need it”

I smiled and hopped under the covers, she turned and headed for the door

“Are you leaving?” I asked, not able to mask the sadness in my voice

She closed the door and turned off the light “No silly, why would you think that”

She climbed in next to me as I held my arm out for her to rest her head on. She buried her face at the base of my neck, I wrapped my arm around her and kissed her forehead

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