First meet

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(3 person)
Scouts eyes started to open. He felt the girls heat gone 'must have thought I was a creep' he rubbed his eyes and looked up he saw a skinny girl with dark brown hair wearing a tank top that said 'Aperture' on it, an orange jacket tied around her waist and weird boots. She had a lot of scars on her arms and legs.  She was pointing a weird gun thing at him. The thing was white, grey , black and it was glowing blue at the end. It looked like something out of a science fiction book. He started to panic "WHOAH WHOAH WHAOH LADY PLEASE PUT THE GUN DOWN" he yelled. The girl looked at him seemingly not afraid, she inches closer to scout and he backs up against the wall further. He closed his eyes waiting for pain as she got very close but instated he heard the rattle of his dog tags.


'Chase Mathew' so that was his name. I woke up to this strange boy in red cuddling me. Chase had a red shirt on with long brown pants and black shoes with long socks. He also wore a hat with head phones. At first I was scared. I haven't felt or even seen other humans in a long time. I lowered my portal gun he seemed relived at this. He stood up and held out his hand to help me up "well now that we have calmed down would you mind telling me your name" he asked. This was going to be a problem I can't speak so I pointed at my mouth and made and x with my fingers. He got the message.
" so you can't speak toots ? " he inquires. I nod , he put his hand in his pocket and pulls out a note pad and pen "here write on this ok it will help us communicate " he explains
I hesitantly grab the pen and paper. Trusting him I then wrote 'ok my name is Chell'


Me and Chell 'talked' for a while. She says she came from an underground facility called aperture science and that she was a test subject for this A.I named GLADOS but had been told by a turret that her real name is Caroline. She also showed me how to use the portal gun it was real cool I thought of all the epic pranks I could do on my teammates, it really was something out of a science fiction book.

I tell Chell about my life back in Boston with 6 older brothers and my ma. I also told her about where she was and about the gravel wars.She seemed to like my stories of how I would bash people's heads in with a bat when I was still fighting BLU.

After about 30 minutes of talking I look at my watch and realized it was 10 am. My teammates will be up and I wouldn't be able to hide this girl from them "hey I am going to introduce you to my teammates ok. I'm sure they will like you". Chell wrote ok and me and her went down to the spawn room where I saw spy Miss.Pauling, sniper, medic, heavy and demo. All looking at a strange metal box with hearts on it. I looked at Chell who seemed to be freaking out. I asked what's wrong and she wrote that the box was her companion cube and that it was really important to her. I decided not to look into why a large metal box and a human would have a relationship so I just said "look we will go in I will introduce you and then we will get your cube ok " she nodded. I walked into the room and everyone looked at me "hey guy um. I found someone last night and I want to introduce you to" they all looked at me quizzically while I brought Chell in. "Everyone this is Chell. Chell this is spy , sniper , medic, heavy, demo and miss. Pauling " I introduced while pointing at them. Chell hide behind me shyly waving. Miss. Pauling came up to me and said " Scout where did you find her and where did she come from ? What is that gun thing ?" I explained how I found her and everything she had told me. Miss. Pauling looked at Chell hiding behind me then she said she can stay because we need to do test. At that last word Chell freaked out and griped her hands around my stomach pressing into my back. Sniper came over and started caressing her head since I could not reach her he said "shhhh it's ok Sheila"she eased up a little allowing me to breath "medic!! Scout!! Take her to the medibay and check up on her ". I grabbed the metal cube and we went to the medibay.


Chase or 'scout' as they called him, took me to a large white room with tiles on the floor and what looked a bit of blood on the walls. They had a bed there but I prefer to sit on my cube, scout then joined me on the cube. I look up and see some white birds flying around. I silently giggle remembering when me and Wheatley came across a bird.

I remembered how distraught he was

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I remembered how distraught he was. The man named Medic seemed to notice my mood lifting, he whistled and a bird flew down and sat on my shoulder. Media has black hair with traces if silver running through it he also had a large lab coat with medical signs on his shoulders. He wore glasses and had black eyes. I gave him a shy warm smile.


When we where at the medibay, Chell sat on the cube dispite there being a bed. I notice her looking at Medics bird and seemingly laughing, Medic noticed and called down one that landed on her shoulder. Chell shyly looked at medic and thanked him with a smile. Then he started to look over her injuries.She was nervous at times but me and medic kept telling her it was okay and that she shouldn't be afraid "she is extremely under nourished and way beneath the average weight. She also had some bullet wounds" medic tossed me a protein bar " try to get her to eat this" he said wrapping up her arms in bandages. I opened the protein bar and gave it to Chell she looked at me weirdly as if she had never eaten before. I broke a piece and threw it into my mouth and eat it, she mimicked my actions but then refused to eat anymore. ' this is gonna take some time' I thought trying to get the girl to take another bite.


I don't know why Chase was trying to get me to eat this bar. GLADOS usually only gave me water and then would inject something into my arm. I took a little bit of the bar and copied Chases actions. It tasted weird and I was full after I ate one bite so I didn't anymore and ignored scouts efforts to try and make me eat.

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