the end

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Chase POV

I arrived outside of the administrators office which was basically located in the middle of the badlands desert among a bunch of large rocks. I came to the administrators because we all had trackers in our necks encase anyone went missing or if we didnt respond to respawn. The entrance was guarded by a horde of mangy grey hounds. I grabbed a sandwich out of my bag and threw it at them, they gladly accepted it and let me pass. I waited outside with the dogs on until finally the door opened revealing a secret elevator. I got walked into the elevator and pushed the button that would take me down to her office. I walked down a long  corridor to reach a room full of monitors that  showed certain area's around our base, in front of the screens was a lone figure holding there bony fingers over what looked like a control panel "Helen" I said narrowing my eyes at the old lady. she sat down in her chair and spun around to face me " hello Chase. I'm guessing your here to find Chell" she said while handing me a small device with small red dots,  2 blue dot and an orange dot. " tracker?" i asked and the old lady nodded. I pressed a button on the side of the square device that showed the names of each of the classes on each dots " red's your team, orange is Chell and blue is obviously BLU team" she replied and I looked at her confused " where's the rest of the BLU" I asked and the administrator had a worried look on her face " all there trackers went off a few hours ago and only Mile's and Heavy's came back on. Chell's also went out for a little while" I looked down at the square device and started walking toward the exit of the office " thank you Helen".

" good luck Scout"


Chell's POV

'how did you know where the keys where' I asked Miles " I didn't I guessed" I gave Miles his hand gun and we excited the cell 'so where do we find Heavy' Miles used the the map we found earlier to locate heavy. We walked down the hall the endless halls shooting any robot we came into contact with, even a small cleaning bot. We finally found heavy in a cell similar to ours, he was pretty beat up but was able to walk.

We turned a few corners until we found a what looked to be an exit. we didn't even think before bolting towards the only hope we had, we didn't even see the red dot on my back. I heard a gun shot ring through the air before feeling the small piece of metal hit my leg, destroying my ability to stand. I fell to the ground, Miles landing next to me.  I let out a silent scream while clutching my leg in pain "Chell" I heard heavy yell. I saw someone run towards Heavy before punching him so hard that he was knocked out. I heard a chuckle come out of the person before he kicked me in the face " HaHa did you really think we were that stupid?" I felt a large boot hit the upper side of my head. I hit the ground with a large thump, all i could see was the ground and a red liquid " we have cameras every where missy. we were watching to see if you were worth what the boss said you were. turns out your just a sad little girl" the laughing continued. With the little strength I had I lifted my head to see a very different looking solider. he was wearing goggles and a blue and black tanktop. He lifted his fists preparing to hit me, shut my eyes tight waiting for the pain.

I heard a skid and bit of banding but felt no pain, I opened my eyes in shock. I saw Miles standing in front of me in quite a bit of pain, he was holding his shoulder and looking straight into soldiers eyes with a look that could kill " Dad stop it" Miles said. He sounded angry and serious ,'dad' I thought, solider was taken a back by miles actions " Kid get out of the way" the man demanded. Chase slowly raised his arms into a fighting stance " I may be your son..." Miles was breathing heavily, his hands clenched and he suddenly yelled " BUT that doesn't mean I'm gonna sit back and watch you hurt my friends!" determination filled his eyes as he faced his father.  I heard a groan before seeing heavy trying to get up. the man suddenly seemed weakened, he put his hands down. Miles walked towards him before putting a hand on his shoulder " saying that. we don't need to fight" Miles started to fall before being caught by solider. He had passed out form blood loss, solider tossed him over his shoulder before picking me "come on lets go home" he said in a shaky voice like he was about to cry. I nodded and we turned to head towards the door. we would have gone out if the door wasn't closed "shit" solider said " if you didn't think i would see you betrayal coming you really are stupid" greys voice rang through the room. Robots suddenly surrounded us " there is no way we can take all of them" Heavy said. solider put me and Miles behind them " well we have to try" solider yelled punching 2 bots. We heard a blast coming from behind us. The door had been blown to bits, Chase stepped forward and looked at me "cheers love, the cavalry's here" he said. our eyes adjusted to the light out side to see the red team, Miss pauling and 9 girls in black uniforms.


the robots were destroyed in mere minutes. Medic healed me and Miles before proceeding to try and find the rest of the BLU team through out the building. Chase stayed by my side holding me and making sure I was OK, honestly i was a bit shaken up but OK. I lay against the metal wall with Miles who had woken up. We suddenly jolted up at a loud gun shot. I looked at Chase who's face  seemed distraught, I then noticed the bleed coming through his uniform. My eye widened as he fell on the floor, to reveal the BLU spy holding a revolver. I quickly rushed over to Chase while Miles shot the Spy in the head. I shook Chase crying " Medic is too far away. he'll never make it in time" Miles yelled 'wont he respawn' I signed frantically. Miles just shook his head " were out of range"  he said before rushing to my side. I cried realizing the reality of the situation.  Chase raised his arm to touch my cheek " shh shh It's OK" He said in a soothing voice " listen you gotta be strong, you gotta win this war for me" Chase looked over at Miles "you ever hurt her and I kick your ass" Miles was now crying " got it" he said with a soft chuckle. I heard footsteps coming towards us. I looked up to see Hugo and David "what happened?" David yelled seeing Chase " other spy got him" Miles cried. Chase turned his head to faced the spy and sniper " you two better look after her" He said in a barely audible tone "OK mate" sniper said sincerity in his voice "bien sûr mon amie" Spy choked up. We all sat around Chase as he faded away

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