The administrator

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Chell POV
The lady in the purple dress with black hair asked, well more like demanded, me to come with her. I didn't quite trust her especially after the first time they met. This lady 'Miss. Pauling' as everyone called her, acted like I was a threat asking Scout questions right in front of me I mean she didn't even know me. I really didn't want to leave without Chase or at least Medic or sniper. These three where the only ones I knew out of the ten people here.

Before I was forced to leave I found sniper but then I just called him the man with the funny voice. I 'said' thank you to him for comforting me yesterday "no worries Sheila oi'm sniper by the way" he said. Sniper wore a hat to cover his brown hair he also had a Red button up shirt with a brown vest over it, brown pants and long shoes on. The man was also very tall and lanky. I told him my name was Chell not Sheila I also asked him why his voice was funny. He looked at me with a weird face and I started writing 'sorry' on the note pad. He stopped me and gave me a smile "don't need to do that mate. I am Australian that is why my accent is a bit  funny. Also Sheila is what I call any girl I don't know the name of "he explained. I haven't heard of this word Australia before but when I was about ask him the rude Miss.Pauling grab me and told to come with her. I quickly waved goodbye to sniper as I was pulled off.
Miss. Pauling directed me in to the room with the big lockers with medical supplies, ammunition and metal in it. Medic called it the 'respawn room' I don't know why though. As we entered the room there was also a much taller lady in a purple dress "aah you must be Chell. The girl that the idiotic Boy Scout found on the roof"


After I told the administrator about the girl that Scout found on the roof. She was instantly intrigued. "Bring the girl here ASAP" she said. When me and the girl first met I remember ignoring her and screaming at scout. I didn't mean to be mad or angry at her. I was tired of the missions I had to do, they were gross and gory; hell seeing dead people was part my routine and after doing that routine for more then 10 year you tend to get tired. I was actually quite happy a another girl was around. It's been ages since we have had some girls around, usually it's just me the administrator and the teams. Last time we had girls was when we had to assemble the fem classes but nowadays we only call them for very critical missions there known a team BLACK.

Anyway we made it to the room and the administrator greeted her "aah you must be Chell the girl that the idiotic Boy Scout found on the roof"
Chell suddenly froze at the administrator's voice as if she was remembering something.


' can't be .........she is still underground.............and her sister was dead' Chell though in utter surprise and sadness. That voice. That was the voice of Caroline's sister Helen. Chell remembered scooping through some audio files and diary logs on a computers when GLADOS's cameras where down. She remembered looking up Caroline to see what she was like before the incident. She found she was a very good assistant and that her full name was Caroline Lacroix. She had a sister, named Helen who used to work at the facility until she found a better job. She also had a wonderful husband and a daughter but they where not named. Chell began to feel sorry for her but as the years in the facility went by that information didn't change the way she felt about her.


"So my voice sound familiar to you, oh dear I do hope Caroline was nice to you. "administrator says almost evilly "unfortunately I am not her and if you have been in that facility long enough you should know who I am. I am Helen. The administrator" I look at Chell she seemed to be freaking out. Just like she did when I said test. Maybe there linked."Miss. Pauling I am going to need you to ask this girl a few question to make sure she is the one"
Helen asks.
I take Chell to where scout found her and sit. I pull out my clip board with the questions on it and look at Chell. The girl seemed to be on the verge of tears I pull her into a hug which she instantly accepts. "Chell please tell me what's wrong" I say trying to comfort her. She pulls away and takes out a note pad and starts writing. When she finally passes the note pad to me it had tears on it but it was still readable it said: Only God knows how long I have been at that facility. GOD ONLY KNOWS. and I finally after all that time get granted freedom and I was so happy I was out. So happy I didn't have to look out for the turrets cute voices and murderous attitude. Happy I didn't have to worry about someone watching me. Happy I didn't have to be put to sleep a pod again for so many years. But now it all seems to be coming back I mean you wanted to do tests on me, Helen is Caroline's sister and I hear Wheatley's voice whenever I walk past some of the rooms'

I pulled her back into a hug and she hugged back "look Chell I'm so sorry that I and the administrator hurt you" I apologies tears starting to fall from my eyes too she pulled away and wore on a pice of paper: I forgive you but do not forgive the administrator'
I get up and say " ok. Do you want me to introduce you to the rest of the team I'm sure you don't want to know them as mysterious people for the rest of the time your here" I see her giggle as a smile is planted on her face as she gets up too as we start walking inside the building. I'm sure the administrator won't mind the questions being a little late.

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