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We need to get the girl

Are you sure ? it's just a girl

Trust me she is the only survivour from Aperture. She is smart but dangerous, we could ues her for our plans.

you got it boss. we'll get her for you

Chell's POV

'why can't I go!!' Chase looked at me with a serious face "Because it's too dangerous and it's all the way in Russia" he said voice laced with anger. I felt my face glow with anger "all mercenaries on the Russian mission report to the plane" The administrators voice shook the building and Chase gave me one last glare before turning and walking to the plane with the others. Pyro came to me and gave me a hug which i gladly returned "see you later" they said. I still haven't found out Pyro's gender but that's a topic for later. I walked to spy and asked him ' can I go to BLU base' he nodded and tells me to be back by dinner. I grabbed my stuff, said bye to Demo and ran out the doors of the RED base.

It' s been Five years since I joined the mercenaries. Our team has become a lot more serious sinceGray. Mann has decided he wants to attack everywhere so he can find the Australium. We have had to start doing missions in places like Russia and Australia. We can usually take care of the robots but sometime we need to call the black team in simply because of the amount of robots. We still haven't found out his location and it's pissing the administrator off but we are getting closer every mission.

Anyway our lives pretty much continued the way they were going. I'm currently lying on the floor with miles reading a book solider suggested to me called "the history of America". Miles was half asleep just sort of looking at the ceiling. Me and him started dating last year around December which Chase highly disapproved of. Chase had become more of an older brother over past years and he doesn't like me doing anything too dangerous. He stops me from going on some missions because he thinks I'll get hurt which honestly pisses me off. Sure I might not know a lot outside science but I am a legal adult. Sometimes we argue about these things and he yells at me but I can't do much since I'm mute so I run off to miles base until we eventually get over it.

I finished another chapter of the book and laid it down next to me. I crawled on top of miles and laid my head down on his chest. He started to sit up and he connected his lips with mine "you all right?" He asked while rubbing his eyes. I nodded and he smiled and hugged me. We went to the kitchen of the BLU base to get some food. We were greeted solider and heavy " Chell just the person I wanted to see. I wanted to ask you if you wanted to come with us on a mission this afternoon" solider said. I nodded and said I would come. Solider had a smirk on his face while heavy and miles looked slightly worried but I didn't take any notice. This was a big mistake


Solider briefed us on the mission which was to find some Intel on Gray.mann  We arrived at a big warehouse in the UK, It was filled with huge storage containers which made into a maze. Solider split us into groups and went to find the Intel, I was teamed up with heavy which is okay but preferred to be with Mile's. We reached a dead end and I sighed 'we have been searching for 3 hours' i turned to see heavy looking grim 'heavy are you OK' i asked him. He looked straight at me. His eyes flicked, I followed his gaze a saw sniper aiming his gun at me. I ducked out of the way and he missed the shot, I felt a pair of arms tackle me to the ground. Heavy kicked the figure holding me down which turned out to be solider, I was shocked. He pulled out a knife and in a moment of panic I pulled out my pistol and fired two rounds into his left leg. He screamed in pain and fell on the floor holding his leg, I stood up and shot at sniper. I didn't kill him but i did destroy his scope making it harder for him to aim I also disoriented him. I turned around and looked at heavy, I saw Miles running up behind him " CHELL" he yelled out " are you OK?" he hugged me. Heavy turned to me and Miles "  you two need to get out of here. heavy will hold them off" He said sternly. "Heavy-" miles was interrupted by the sound of bombs going off in the distance "GO NOW!!" heavy screamed and miles grabbed my arm and we ran in the opposite direction of the sound. we ran down numerous paths before finally reaching an exit, we were 2 meters away but then the doors abruptly shut in front of us causing us to slam into them. I got up and pulled out my portal gun and looked for escape, the other BLU mercenaries blocked any other means of escape and spy threw a BLU canister at us that let out a misty gas. I started feeling dizzy and unable to breath, I looked at Miles who had fallen unconscious. My legs gave out under me and I fell to the ground hitting my head and everything turned to black.

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