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It's been a few weeks since I came here, I have met all the mercenaries now which is great. Pyro is very mysterious but also very childish, engineer really in to robots when I first met him I freaked cause I heard his sentry he said it wouldn't hurt me, it was kind of like a dog actually, solider is nice but very intense, I thought he was going to explode when I asked 'what's America'. Overall the mercenaries are very nice to me. Me and miss. Pauling are getting along a lot better now but she had to go away to see this BLACK team, they said they had some trouble. Scout was teaching me how to play street fighter on the couch when the administrators voice shook the building " attention mercenaries I have a job for you Mann. Co is under attack again we need you to go and defend it with the BLU team. You will be traveling to Mann. Co central in 3 days and Chell you will also go that is all" I looked at Chase and he got up and said "well I think that means we should teach you how to shoot".

We walked through the red base with scout and sniper, they both decided to come and help me shoot a gun. We made it to an area with a bunch of gun sitting on racks. Chase looked at me and said to choose out a gun. I much rather have my portal gun to use but I guess it wouldn't work in a full on fight.

*le time skip*

Sniper and Chase have showed me how to use most of the guns and other gadgets. I honestly preferred using the pistol so I have that as my main I also kept Wheatley or Ap-Sap as spy called him, on me, scout snapped his fingers and exclaimed "well time for the simulations" I looked at them confused as they lead me too a room made of metal "this is the simulator room here we are going to put on a fighting scene and your job is to survive and get the suit case" sniper explained. I asked if I could use my portal gun and he nodded "anything in the real world converts in to the simulation" the he pushed me into the room. The room seemed like it started melting colours then they went solid and it looked like I was outside teufort. I heard clanking and turned to see a robot that resembled scout 'your job is to survive and get the suit case' snipers words rang in my mind as the robot ran toward me. In an instant I whipped out my pistol and but a bullet in its chest, I then started to run into the blue building guessing that was where the brief case was.

After a few minutes of fighting off robots and dying a few times getting used to fighting, I ran to the back of the building but suddenly froze upon hearing the sound off a sentry locking on. I quickly recoiled as I saw a barrage if bullets hit the concert floor. Poked my head out just avoiding the sentries sight I and analysed the situation I shot an orange portal above the sentry then a blue on the floor. I slowly lowered Wheatley on to the sentry. Upon hearing the sound of the static which meant the sentries deactivation, I closed the portal running up the stairs and in to the room labeled intelligence hearing the distant British voice behind me.

I place a portal at the start of one of the hall just in case something happened Then I bolted down the hall that lead to the intel room until I met the faces of a robot heavy, demo and soilder. I quickly made another portal that sent me back to the start of the hall where I quickly  jumped out of the way watched the bullets, bombs and rockets  hit the back wall I again thought through the situation and made a plan. I put the orange portal half way down one hall and put the blue one in front of me so I could see the robots If they came down the hall. I shot six bullets from my pistol into the blue portal coming out the orange one. As I suspected the robots came around the corned where the bullets were, from fighting the earlier I realised they are sensitive to sound and sight. As the robot went to go and investigate the noise I snuck into room grabbed the intel and made a run for it. On the way out a closed the portals and grabbed Wheatley while fighting off scout and pyro bots.

When I came out of the room the boys. had astonished looks on there faces "you just got higher then any of us on the first try!! You certainly are a quick thinker" sniper exclaimed. I blushed at the comment " oh course she is" said Wheatley who was still in my hands "at the facility she was faced with many puzzles and tests so she has become accustomed to solving puzzles" explained the British robot. "Well I think that's enough training for today. Would you two like to get dinner" sniper asked, I shook my head enthusiastically and we went back to the mess hall.

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