Not So Bad

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My eyes fluttered open and I sighed. I had the worst dream that I hit a dog that turned out to be a werewolf and he claimed that I was his mate. He held me hostage and I ran out, running into Trayton. Then, I was told that I was Trayton's mate. I shuddered and someone walked in. I widened my eyes and my breath hitched in my throat. It was Trayton.

"Morning sunshine."

"What do y-you want?" I saw hurt in his eyes. He walked to the bed I was on settled himself next to me.

"Well, I thought you'd be hungry." He held out a tray that I didn't notice.

"No thanks, I'm good." I stared at the food like it was poison. He sighed but put it aside.

"Look, when I said I loved you before, it was a lie. But now...... But now, you mean the world to me." He held my hands.

"If you give me a chance, I can prove myself." I laughed humourlessly.

"Do you really think I'll forgive you just like that? After all you've done?"

"I'm sorry. I am truly sorry." His eyes had a pleading look to them and that broke a piece of my heart, seeing someone upset. Then, I thought about Theo.

"What about Theo?" An annoyed expression settled on Trayton's face.

"What about him? He saw a pretty girl and toyed with her feelings, but I would never do that. I love you." As the part was said, my heart fluttered and my stomach did somersaults. No guy that isn't related to me has said they love me. It felt...different. A good different. And maybe Trayton won't be that bad. He's attractive and seems sweet. Maybe he's actually the good guy. Or maybe my stubborn heart is making the wrong move.

I was ready and my makeup was flawless. The itchy dress passed my knees and the leggings were just as annoying. After Trayton and I talked, he asked me out on a date. I couldn't refuse and said yes. We were going out for dinner and I was nervous. What if I didn't eat properly? What if I accidentally step on his feet with these damn heels. He'll think I'm a joke. I was so busy in my thoughts, I didn't notice Theo walk in.

"Ari, where are you going?" I looked up at him with wide eyes.

"Nowhere." I said in a surprisingly calm way. He didn't buy it though. He backed me up against the wall.

"I don't like liars, you know."

"And I don't like you, you know." It slipped out before I could think.

"Are you-"

"Can't you mind your own business for once?"

"You're my mate therefore you are my business."

"I thought I was Trayton's mate."

"So you're going with Trayton?"

"No! Just leave me alone!"

"Okay ma'am." Something was up, he knew something.

As I walked into the diner with Trayton, I realised I was poorly dressed compared to the other women. I felt uncomfortable having all the attention on us as we walked past each table. Once we got to our table, all the waiters formed a line. I glanced nervously around the place and everything was silent. So quiet you could hear a pin drop. I hated it.

"Ma'am? Ma'am?" I looked to the female waitress.


"What would you like to eat?" She asked forcefully.

"A salad is fine." She glared at me as I scrunched my eyebrows in confusion. Then, it hit me. Every woman here was glaring at me and gawking at Trayton. Even the old ladies. They were jealous. A smirk made its way on my face. Tonight was going to be great.

On the way home, Trayton and I talked a lot. About everything. I told him my story with Theo and he opened up about why he abducted me. Overall, I had fun. I was slowly falling in love with Trayton.

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