Chapter One: The disturber of the peace.

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This is my first Fanfiction I've made with some help from yinyangswings

The actress I portray Belle Baggins: I chose Daniela Denby-Ashe, because I like her acting in North and South along with Richard Armitage, I thought they look good together.

The actor I portray young Frodo Baggins: I chose Daniel Radcliffe from his first Harry potter film the Philosopher's stone.

Enjoy my fan version of the Hobbit story.

Disclaimer: I don't own The Hobbit characters or plot of the story!


It began on warm spring morning at the Shire where the Hobbits lived, home to Belle Baggins; a respectable hobbit-maiden with messy chestnut-brown hair that was arranged in a low bun and eyes with the colour of springtime green, she lived in house called Bag End with her adopted nephew: Frodo Baggins, a young hobbit boy with hair as black as raven wings and eyes blue as the clear sky. After they had finished their second breakfast, Frodo went to play on the tree on the roof of Bag End while Belle sat on her garden bench in front of the house reading her book; enjoying their peaceful morning in Hobbiton where nothing unexpected ever happened...until on that fateful morning, a traveller came to the Shire.


While Belle was reading her book; a shadow fell across her and she looked up from her book and saw a tall old man with a long grey hair and beard dressed in grey robes and wears a pointy grey hat on his head, in his right hand he held a long staff of brown wood. Belle (who never seen this man before) wondered why this stranger was here at her gate of all places in the Shire, having a quick glance at her nephew (who was still playing in the tree) to make sure he was safely away from this unusual traveller. She greeted him politely. "Good morning, Sir."

"What do you mean?" The man in grey clarified. "Do you mean to wish me a 'good morning' or do you mean that it's a good morning whether I want it or not?" That was not the answer that Belle had been expecting. Usually anyone who said good morning to someone said good morning back to them. Frodo, who stopped playing in the tree and saw his aunt having a conversation with a tall man that he never seen before. Interested to see what's going on down at the front garden, he slowly climbed down the tree and made sure he wasn't seen, lying down on the grassy roof of the house to overhear them. "Or perhaps you feel good on this particular morning." The man continued. "Or are we simply stating that this is a morning to be good on?"

"All of them at once, I suppose?" Belle answered. The man in grey remained quiet as if he was not satisfied with that answer. Belle puts her book aside next to her on the bench. "Can I help you, Sir?" She asked kindly.

"That remains to be seen," he mutters to himself and then looked at her in intrigue. "I'm looking for someone to share in an adventure." He continued.

The word 'adventure' caught Frodo's ears. Whenever his aunt read to him books about adventures, he's spent most of his time pretending that he was off somewhere else outside the Shire with his aunt on an adventure of their own and he often wondered what it was like outside the borders of the Shire. Maybe he's about to find out.

Belle on the other hand was astonished by this unexpected request.

"An adventure? Well I don't imagine anyone west of Bree would have a ridiculous interest in adventures." Belle replied, stepping up from her garden bench with her book in one hand before heading straight for her post box to collect her letters. "They are such nasty, disturbing and uncomfortable things that make you late for dinner." She explained while looking through her mail, Belle looked up to see if the man in grey was long gone and on his way to find the person he was searching for. To her ire, he was still where he was. Seeing that he wasn't going to leave, she decided it was time for her and Frodo to return to the house, and gathered her letters and the book in one hand, before she headed straight for the steps towards Bag End.

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