Alice POV ;

He kissed her.

I don't know how to feel about this.

Anna could do better.

Justin is scum

Why would she suffice?

I am going to make sure Anna sees the real Justin before I get out of here. I rarely ever like people, but when I do, I support them like my life depends on it and right now Annalyn needs to see how bad Justin is for her.

Annalyn POV;

Justin has been acting weird ever since we osculated. He's been giving me more attention than I'd like and he treats me like I'm a fragile piece of glass. I don't like feeling dependant. I like taking care of my self.

I also don't know how to feel about the kiss. I mean, I liked it. But why did I kiss him? . Why did I enjoy it? . I cant find a logical answer to any of my questions and it's been making me furious.

I m angry.Im angry because I dont understand my self. I dont understand why I am hurting so much.Where is this pain coming from ? .Ive always felt peculiar.I just never thought that I could be that ill.

I need to read a book to ease the pain. I need to think about world problems and criticize mundanes for being too emotional and illogical, but I can't because Im stuck here.

I want to cry, but my body wont let me. I keep opening and closing my mouth trying to scream,but nothing comes out.

Ive been hiding in the bathtub for hours now. I dont want them to come talk to me.I want to be alone.I need to get out of here.I need to leave this place. I need to go back to my old life were id hide from people and be angry on my own.

I look besides me and find Justin's file.

should I read it ?

It's morally wrong.

I need to ask for his permission.

I get out of the empty tub slowly and snatch the file .

I take a deep breath and eye it' content.

Justin Bieber

25 years old

Diagnosis :

Chronic Depression

Chronic Self Hatred

Reverse Annalyn Phlegmatic Disorder

admitted "25/1/2015

release date N/A

status  suicidal

Reverse Annalyn phlegmatic disorder ?

How is that even possible ?

what does it mean ?

I am sure I was the first person diagnosed.That's why they named it after me. But Justin was diagnosed after I was. And reverse ? does that mean he is more emotional than other humans should be ?

why is this so confusing?

I put the file back where I found it and peek my head out of the bathroom door.

Niall, Alice and Justin are in the middle of a heated conversation.

"Justin" I say

all heads snap in my direction. I see anger flash in Alice's eyes

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