I feel my blood run cold as the words leave Elliot's mouth.

I dont know what to do

They can't take her away from me

not Anna.

"no" I whisper

"What was that?" He asks , amusement written all over his face

"Im not leaving this cell and neither is she" I state clearly

"Too bad you cant do anything about it" He chuckles as he directs Niall and Alice out of the room

"Oh yeah ?" I spit "What about that" I say as I sprint towards him and hit his head against the door frame

I hear an ugly crunching noise as his limp body falls to the floor with a thud.

I look around me and walk towards Annalyn's impassive posture and grab her hands gently.

"Anna we're leaving" I state

"What do you mean we're leaving justin !. oh my god he's going to kill you when he wakes up " she starts pacing around the room mumbling incoherent things to her self

I grab her shoulders and force her to look at me

"We need to leave now !" I say firmly

I take her hands and walk towards the door

"Wait!" Alice practically yells

I halt my movements and look at her

"We're coming with you" She says , her eyes searching my face for approval

I turn around and run as fast as I could. Annalyn seems unresponsive

I hear footsteps around me and feel abit better knowing that Alice and Niall are coming with us.


All the hallways seem the same.

There's no pattern or rooms or any distinction between the hallways.This place is like a maze.

"Im tired" I hear Alice moan like the nagging human being she is.

"If you don't want to cooperate, might as well go back to your room Alice" I spit harshly

"Mate, is Annalyn alright?" Niall speaks for the first time

I look at Anna's beautiful face and cold eyes

"Babe, are you okay?" I whisper in her ear

"Yeah" She hoaxes , still zoning out

"Okay" I say and kiss her hand

"She's good" I tell Niall

"Justin we've been walking for hours , please lets rest" Alice obnoxious voice echoes in the hallway

"Fine" I say and sit on the floor , pulling Anna with me. She crawls closer to me and cradles herself on my lap.

"You're okay" I whisper and I kiss her temple

"Im scared" She mumbles

I am taken back by her bluntness. Annalyn isnt the type of person who'd talk about her emotions.

"It's okay baby girl I wont let anything happen to you" I whisper in her ears and hold her as tightly as she's holding my tshirt

"Well Well, What do we have here !"

Alice screams and I hold Anna close to me.

I know his voice.

I hate him

I look around me and notice Leopard standing acouple of feet away with a gun in his hand pointed towards me.There are a four other armed men around us giving us murderous looks.

"I think it's time you understand what's going on" He smiles proudly

"What are you talking about?" Niall's voice seems calm , yet you could tell he's nervous from the way his hands are playing with the hem of his shirt

"Ladies and gentlemen" Leopard announces happily "Please walk with us, otherwise you get shot of course " He laughs like some maniac

I stand up still holding Annalyn close to me as the two of the men walk infront of us and two other stay behind us.

We all follow Leopard until we are standing infront of a brick wall . He gets a remote out of his pocket and the wall moves , making the ugliest screeching noise ive ever heard in my life.

We walk into a hallway that has a different aroma. The hallways are well lit and I could see everything around me. The walls are white and there are a couple of paintings here and there. We stop infront of a door and Leopard looks at me

"Dont do anything stupid" He smiles and opens the door

We are directed inside and the door closes behind us

"What the hell is this!" Alice exclaims

I scan the room around me to try and understand what's going on.

We are standing in the middle of a room that looks like an office. There's a wooden desk in the corner of room and all the walls are covered in wooden book cases . The book cases are filled with what seems like a gazillion books and there's a red sofa in the middle. The whole place smells like wood and the has a homey feeling to it. The chandeliers are lightening the walls pretty well and the place seems beautiful.

The door clicks and an old man walks inside. His face is full of wrinkles and he's wearing a black suit and a red papion.

"Gentlemen " He looks at me and Niall and smiles " Ladies" He looks at Anna and Alice "Please , have a seat" He smiles , his voice is gruffy, unlike his appearance.

We all sit on the couch, Annalyn's hand still in mine.

"I believe I owe you an explanation" He says as he sits on the chair infornt of his desk

"My name is Allen Clark and I am a psychiatrist" He smiles proudly "Ive been supervising your cases for the past nine years. Annalyn " He looks at Anna and smiles

"Youre a piece of art. Your case intrigued me.Ive never seen anyone with such psychological mutations." He smiles proudly at her " When I first read your file , I was surprised. I was obsessed and I decided I was going to find the cure to your malice and I did" He smiles

"W-What do you mean?" She asks

"I mean that I got the only four known cases of APD in the world and put them in a mental asylum and put them through all the stimuli they needed inorder to go against your instinct. And what do you know !" He squeaks like a little girl "It worked!"

he stays silent for a minute

Im trying to let everything sink in

all this was planned

all this was monitored by maniacs who can read thoughts

"What's in it for you?" I hear Niall ask

"Well Nialler im glad you asked. I am sure you met Leopard and Elliot" He says calmly

We all nod

"They're practicing psychiatrist and right now all three of us have the cure to APD, All thanks to you of course. " He smiles

I want to smack the smile on his face

"what Im trying to say is : you are all APD free and you're free to go back to your old life"  

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