Chapter 7 : Awkward..

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Chapter 7:


Six days have passed and here I am at the hospital. My mother is recovering and I'm thankful because of that. I haven't heard about Ashton since then, we didn't meet again after what happened that night. He didn't gave me the money yet, and I'm kinda worried. Who wouldn't?You gave your V-card on some guy whom you just met at the club you've been working and he didn't give his fair back.

And speaking of that club, I didn't work in their anymore. Ashton told me that he didn't want me to work in their because I am his "fiancee" and he's a billionare, so he let me stopped working because he don't want to embarrass his "background" by having a stripper "fiancee".

It's not like this "fiancee" thingy are all over news. We haven't and didn't ell anyone about it, so there's nothing to hide. I just don't get him sometimes.

"Lian, I think I'm fine now. I wanted to go home." My mother said trying to get comfortable on her bed.

"Mom, the doctor said you'll be staying here for the next 5 days. So it means you can't go home, they still have to check on you and after that I promise you could go home," I replied walking toward her.

"But Lian, I don't want to be here anymore. If I'm here I felt like I'm dying because the smell of medicines sickens me. Those cries and mourns of people around is horrible, I don't want to hear it. Please, Lian." She pleaded, it broke my heart to see her like this.

"Okay Mother, I will talk to the doctor about it. Is that okay?"

She gave me a big smile and nodded. I hug her and sooth her hair and we fell into a comfortable silence. A gentle knock on the door echoed through the silent room. Both me and my mother turn to the door reaveling my brother Mickey.

"Hi'ya sis! Hey Mom", he greeted. I smiled at him and nodded while my mom muttered a "hello". "There's a guy who's looking for Lian outside." He continued. Who could that be?

"Who?" My mother asked.

"I don't know, he's kind of familiar."

"How did he look like? Where is he?" I required.

"He's wearing a suit and he's outside. Should I let him in?" Mickey asked quirking an eyebrow at me while his finger is pointing on the door. I nodded and replied a "yes" , after that he went outside. It was 2 minutes later, Mickey came back with Ashton.

I can't help but check him out. Damn! He's so hot on that suit he's wearing. Shit! What's wrong with me?

"Eyes here darling." I heard Ashton said snapping me out of my thoughts about how hot he was. I look up and met his eyes. He wore his signature smirk, ?I felt my cheek burns and turn my gaze to my smiling mother. She gave me a knowing look and I glared at her causing her to chuckle.

"Good day Mrs. Stone" Ashton greeted.

"Oh, hello there Sir!" My mother greeted back cheerfully. I rolled my eyes and pretend on not paying on what they are talking about.

"Call me Ashton, I don't want formalities here since I'm not on any meeting." I heard him say politely.

"As you wish, I don't want to sound rude Ashton but why are you?" Finally!!!

"Oh that, I actually came here to talk with Liana." He said politely, why does he acts this way? Wait, why am I mad of his presence? Now, what's wrong with me?

"Okay, you can talk to her." My mother smiled sweetly at him and turned to look at me. "Go now Liana." I was about to open my mouth to insist but she gave me the look. Sighing, I went to follow Ashton outside.

We went outside and took a seat on some chairs in there after closing the door. There was an awkward silence and I don't really know if I should open a topic first. Wait, its not like I'm the one who wanted to talk. But its really awkward, should I speak first?

"So......" Seriously Lian? Only so? Think! Come on. I was about to open my mouth to speak and ask him what he wated to talk about but he grab my hand who was on my lap on held it while drawing circles on it.

"I miss you." He barely whispered. Did I heard it right? He miss mw? But why?

"You did?" I asked stupidy, I don't know what's wrong with me but after he said that he misses me. My heart leap with happiness.

"Yeah, I don't know why but I did miss you." There was a long pause after he spoke again. "So, about the talk I wanted." My heart started to beat faster. Omhg! What would it be about...


Short Chapter, I know. This Chapter is suppose to be uploaded this New Year but, I've read your comments and requests. So here it is. I hope you guys ike this. I promise I will update a longer Chapter next time. Than k you for voting, for those comments and stuffs. ^_^ It made my day. And Cliff hanger.... :P













Also, please check out my other story. The Love Bet.... Thank you very much!!! Muah!!!


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