Chapter 22 - Surprise

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Hey! Sorry, it took me a long period of time to update, I've been really busy and this book is almost finish! Few more chapters 10 or 8 more chapters? I guess, depends. Anyway, thank you to all of my readers! I love you all!!!


Tell me if you like this chapter.

~ Ain


Chapter 22 - Surprise

Liana's Point of View

I jocosely traipse at the pavement, giving every people a bright smile as I pass them, some smiled at me, some just neglect me as if I am a rock or a wild grass walking in the streets but it did not ruined my disposition.

The big red gates came into panorama, I sighed jocosely.

At last, I'm here. I was about to walk straight into the red gates when Amy, my play mate which was my neighbor too called me.

"Li! Let's play, please, I'm bored. " She pouted her lips at me.

I was about to nod my head when I saw my mother crying, heavy bags was drag by her. Her eyes were bloodshot. Instantly, my mood changed. I hastened towards her anxiously.

"Mom? Are you okay?" I asked. She shook her head then scooped me into a hug.

"We're leaving this house."

That's why family should come first, they, my Mom and Mickey, I could add Alex now are always there for me. That's why.

Ashton drove the car silently, he eyes on the road, he did not even glance at me as we claimed the car , just a while ago. I choose to ignore him, I should focus on my mother, my mother.

I tried calling Alex back but he won't pick it up, so I stopped. I took a look at the scenery we had passed , trying to calm my self but I just couldn't. I am not on ease, thinking about my mother.

Is she okay?
What happened really?

Those are the questions that has been running on my mind.

"You should calm yourself first before going inside." Ashton, for the first time in forever, spoke.

I did not notice that we just arrived at the hospital. I took a deep breath and turn to look at him. His eyes is still on the road, he is still gripping the steering wheel. Then back to the building and back to him.

"Look..." I started but nothing came out after. We fell into a deep awkward silence.

I cleared my throat.

"Look, sorry about a while ago but I just couldn't... It is not right." I explained.

"Then what about the kiss? Why did you kiss me back? Why won't you listen to me?" He said, his eyes is now set on mine.

I did not answer his question, even I, myself, don't know why.

"Ashton, it is so wrong for us to be together, you have to understand that.... and the kiss...." I trailed off.

I raise my right hand to my mouth, reminiscing about how soft his lips was. No, I shook my head.

".... its wrong. It did not happen." I said, then opened the passenger's door and went out, before I could go in, he grab my wrist and slam me on the car, not that it hurts me or something, I know he wouldn't dare hurting me , physically , and the baby.

"Then tell me, is this wrong?" Before I could process what he was saying, his lips was hovering on my own, his soft plum lips.

I tried to push him but he is so strong. I did not respond at the kiss but he squeeze my butt, making me yelp.

His tongue found its entrance on my mouth, savoring me. I moaned and instantly responded. I wrapped my arms around his neck bringing him closer to me, while he wrapped his arms around my waist.

The kiss lasted for I don't know how long, it was me who broke the kiss, gasping for air.

"Tell me, is that wrong?" He asked. I hugged him tighter.

"Please, stop it. Stop." I pleaded.

"Stop what?" He asked.

Stop at making me want you, stop at everything you do to make me love you.

I want to tell him about it but no words came out.

"Please Li, at least , let me explain." His voice was pleading and it just makes me want to kiss him again.

Slowly, I nodded my head , yes.


We walked side by side toward the hospital entrance , he held my hand through the way and I did not take it back because it feels good.

We turned to the left hallway through the EM Room , that's when I notice the petals of flowers that scattered on the floor.

I glance at Ashton who was looking straight ahead.

"What is this all about?" I asked, he shrug his shoulders and ushered me to continue on walking until it stopped at the EM Room.

I hesitantly open the door, Ashton, being Ashton ushered me to push it open.


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