Chapter 8

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January 14th, 2016

It was 3 days into Jane and Oliver's relationship. Oliver was happy, and he thought Jane was too, but he had his doubts. He would always get this feeling that Jane was mad at him. Oliver always felt like he was losing her, sometimes it was his depression tricking him, or it was a certain way she looked at him. But he would always doubt her. It was a Thursday and Oliver was on his way to school.

¨Black Roses! The new bloom to the United States have been selling at extreme rates, and at high...," the early morning news anouncer said before Oliver changed the radio.

As he changed the radio, he heard an old song that he hadn't heard in a long time. It was ¨Stay With Me¨ by Sam Smith & Mary J. Blige.

¨OH, WON'T YOU STAY WITH ME!!" he sung out in the car by himself. He paused, continued driving, but kept singing as he remembered the first time he heard this song. He was in 7th Grade. He had no friends. He was alone, until he met Chrystal, his soon to be best friend. He would listen to this song to block out the depression. He would listen to this song to get his mind off of cutting. Even though it was a slow/sad song, it really helped. It really made him feel better. Oliver blinked again and he realized he was driving, as a car merged into his lane almost hitting him. Luckily, he had stepped on the breaks just moments before. But he had had a flashback, to a time he forgot, a time he didn't want to remember. He wondered what had caused it...

He pulled up to school and parked in his parking spot. He walked up the outside stairs to go meet his friends.

¨Hey Oli!" Sandra said.

¨Hey bessfrieen,¨ he said.

¨You alright? You look like you've been crying. Was it Jane? You know I'll go beat her ass right now!¨ Sandra said. She as always protective of Oliver, and Oliver was always the same to her.

¨No, no, no. It wasn't Jane. I love Jane and she loves me 'I think' I had a flashback on my way to school, and almost got in an accident,¨ Oliver said.

¨Okay,¨ Sandra said.

¨Oh look it's ya little giirl-friieennd,¨ Sandra said as Jane walked up the hill, along with Jane's friend Lizzy.

¨Hey Oli!¨ Jane and Lizzy yelled out.

¨Hey Jane,¨ He said first smiling.

¨Sup Lizzy,¨ He said after.

Jane had walked up and looked at Oliver.

"Are you mad at me?¨ Oliver asked.

¨No. Why would I be?"

Oliver stood there and thought about why she would be... But by than she was gone.

It was time for Oliver to go class. He had class with his friend Fernanda K. There were 2 Fernanda's at their schools. She was Fernanda K. and the other was Fernanda K.S.

¨Hey Oli,¨ Fernanda said as she hugged him, they always hugged each other when they saw each other.

¨Hey Fern,¨ Oliver responded.

¨So how's Joliver¨ Fern asked?

¨It's good. I feel like she's mad at me. I don't know why though¨

¨Aw. It's okay. She loves you and she's not mad at you. And she'll never break up!¨ Fern said.

¨I hope so. I think I want to marry her..."Oliver said.


¨Aw.¨ Oliver said.

It was now brunch time, and Oliver was sitting under his tree, by himself.

¨BOO!¨ Jane yelled from behind him.

Oliver screamed in shock as he turned around and realized it was her.

¨Jeez you scared the sugar honey iced tea out of me¨ Oliver said.

¨HAHA! Why are you sitting here alone?¨ Jane asked as she sat down with him.

¨I'm not in the best mood, I feel like you're mad at me. I had a really bad flashback this morning and I almost crashed my car, my mind is telling me all of these thoughts that... that, are just tearing me apart. I wish I could just not think, not have that little voice ruining me..." Oliver said.

¨So there's this boy, the way he laughs, makes me smile, when I'm with him, I get butterflies. And just everything about him, makes me smile, he's just so amazing.¨ Jane said.

¨Oh. Who's that. He sounds nice. You should date him.¨ Oliver said.

¨His name is Oliver..."Jane said.

¨Oh..."Oliver said.

Jane and Oliver looked at each other gazing into each other eyes, looking at each other. Than the bell rang and it was time for class, Oliver stood up and helped Jane up off of the ground they were sitting on.

¨I saw you and Jane over there¨ Liz said.

¨It was nothing¨ Oliver responded blushing.

¨It was totes-obvi something!¨ Liz said.

¨I don't know.¨ Oliver said.

¨I kinda wanted to kiss her...¨ Oliver said quietly.

¨AWWW!¨ Liz said.

¨I know but I just couldn't. I don't know if I ever will be able too.¨ Oliver said.

¨Well you have forever too, because you love her and she loves you. And you will never be apart. I can promise that... ¨

¨I hope so, everybody keep saying that.¨ Oliver said.

Oliver and Liz walked in different directions to go to different classes,

¨TELL JANE I SAID HI!¨ Oliver yelled down the halls.

¨I GOT YOU!¨ Liz yelled back.

Later on that day, Oliver was at home laying on his bed texting Jane. He told her he had something really important to tell her...

¨Okay? Do you want to call me?¨ Jane asked.

¨No. It's fine. But, Honestly, I'm scared to talk to you outside of texting or email. Because I'm afraid, I'm afraid that I will say something and won't be able to take it back. When we text or email, if I'm afraid to say something I can just delete it. But in real life I can't take it back. Because I get butterflies when you're near, when I see you coming. I'm scared that I won't be that good person you expect me to be. I'm scared that I won't be the greatest person I can be. The boyfriend you want me to be. You give me butterflies. Ones that I don't know how to get rid of. I was even scared to send this to you. Hell, I don't even know if I will be able to send this to you. I'm scared. I'm sorry. I just love you so much.¨ Oliver typed but just couldn't pull himself to send it. There that button. Taunted him, vex'd him, he couldn't pull himself to doing it... He pressed it, and almost immediately regretted it.

Minutes passed, and she didn't respond Oliver began to worry, and cry. As he felt the tears roll down his eyes, *BUZZ BUZZ* he saw her message.

¨Don't be scared, okay? It's alright if you mess up. Actually, it's kinda freaky when someone doesn't mess up. To error is what makes you human. someone said that once upon a time. But we can't build a relationship out of text. Some days, I don't talk. That's because I'm sad. But that's all.¨ Jane typed back.

¨Smiling Emoji¨ Oliver Responded.

January 15thWhere stories live. Discover now