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Constance in media

Kaprice wrapped his arm around my neck as he carried my bookbag to the cafeteria. We both walked at the same pace in sync foot steps.

"Awe, look at the couple" Melanie said causing me to blush.

Kaprice grabbed my face and gave me a long smooch in front of the senior table. They started to laugh and clap for more excitement. I pull away smiling taking a seat next to Candie.

"So how's you and Damien?" I said nudging her sweetly.

She turned to me with her blow pop in her mouth. She took it out fast to answer me.

"Great...I think he's gonna ask me to be his girl"

Her cheeks got rosey and she positioned her self to sit tall.

"I knew you liked him"
"Yeah he's amazing" she said in a love daze.

Kaprice got me some lunch, a bacon cheeseburger and curly fries. He slid next to me and applied his hand on my thigh. I bit into my burger and chewed the goodness.

Lunch was over and we all went to class. "I love you." Kaprice said pecking my lips.

"I love you too." I smile leaving him to go to class.

I sat in my assigned group partner, Jacob Youthie. He wasn't really a bad guy even with the green braces and cornrows down to his shoulders it made him look sexy in a way. With the milk cocoa skin and 6ft 2 height he would make your knees melt. I knew him since 3rd grade and no lie I had crushies on him in 5th once he got the height.

The teacher directed us to do our day 3 of our assigned projects about social justice. We had to justify police brutality, wasn't a difficult topic. As I reached for my pen I accidentally touched Jacob's hand.

"Sorry" I geeked out.
"It's fine" he said in his slightly deep voice. I smiled at him as he continued to write with his left hand.

Ela was over in a quick second as well as the rest of my classes. Kaprice and I headed to his car so he could take me to work.

"Kaia!" A male voice called for me. I turned around to see Jacob there swiftly walking towards me.

He cleared his throat as he peeked kaprice watching him like a evil dog.
"Makaia," he said adjusting his bookbag.

"Can we finish this project afterschool... maybe?"

I giggled at his shyness "Sure you can come to my house Saturday afternoon."

"Great." He cleared his throat again smiling exposing his braces.

"You called me Kaia" I said cheering up a bit.

"You haven't called me that since 5th grade."

"Yeah, the golden days" he said scratching the back of his neck.

Kaprice coughed hard lowering his eye brows towards Jacob. He got in the car slamming the door.

"You should call me that like the good days all over again." I said stepping into the car grinning.

"Yeah sure..." he said walking towards the bus stop backwards. I closed the car door and sighed.

"What was that?" I asked kaprice

"I should be asking the same" he stated starting the engine.

"Stop acting like a baby boy" I rolled my eyes.

He opened the arm rest pulling out a skinny roll up. He lit the blunt and started to smoke it. I look at him with big eyes and crossed arms.

"Whah?" He said pulling off. I just stared at him thinking I should smack him but then I took the blunt and inhaled the smoke, I haven't done that since 9th grade. He chuckled and pulled out from the space he was in. It was gonna be a high ride.


Ridley gave me a cup of hot chocolate and we talked about work until Mr. Douglas came with a stack of files for me.

He gave me a desperate mean look and walked away quietly.

"There's something wrong with that man. I don't know how his wife puts up with it." She said shaking her head lightly.

"Wife?" I said in shock.

"Yeah married 4 years... it's his third marriage." She said sipping her drink.

"Wait how old is he?" I ask her crossing my legs tight.

"Early or mid thirties. He falls in love too quick. I heard he beats his second wife and it took her a whole 5 years to leave him. It was either him or her life"

I turned away from Ridley and began to type pushing the mug of chocolate away from me.

"Anyways I'll see ya." She said strutting away with her carmel shaved legs.

I started the files and updating his latest case. I rapidly typed scared for my life, I was cheating on my man with a man cheating on his own wife. I could see tears streaming down my face ruining my make up through the computer screen. I sipped my hot chocolate which was cold trying to calm down. I checked the clock on the computer noticing it was almost closing time. I saved the files and left the mug on the desk with a little milk left.

I gathered my things and rushed out my cubicle. I gave Ridley a heads up saying bye. I bumped into Douglas when I turned the corner dropping my bag onto the office floor. He immediately picked it up for me rubbing my leg as he came up to head it to me. I gasped when I looked into his blue eyes it was like I stepped into complete darkness blinded by my own fake fantasy.

"Thank you" I say slowly then brushing past him. I sped up to the elevator but that didn't stop him from getting into close contact with me. He grabbed my wrist after I pushed the arrow button.

"What's wrong with you?" He asked stroking my hair I should cut. He gave me a sentimental look and bite his lip.

I remove his hand clutching my bag. "You didn't say you had a FAMILY." I said waiting for the elevator impatiently. The doors opened causing me to step in pushing the L button.

"Didn't think it was any of your business." He puffed out getting on with me. The doors closed and began to glide down to the lobby.

"Your cheating!"
"I can say the same" he answered back. I gave him a look like I was going to bust open.

He stepped closer to me the scent of tough cologne hit my nose.

"Do you have any kids?" I look at him breathing deeply.

He inhaled and said "yes".
"I got two"

"I can't do this anymore." I released out shedding a tear and brushing it away.

He stopped the elevator making a loud ringing sound. He grabbed my neck and pinned me against the wall. My airway was closing from his tight grip.

"You so beautiful and smart but stupid at the same time." He whispered in my ear releasing me.

I dropped to the side as he unrelased the elevator to continue down. I touch my neck and don't even bother to look him in the face. The doors opened dropping me out the movable room while Douglas stayed to go back upstairs. He stared me down till I was out of sight.

I walked my way out the building and to the bus stop. His words stuck with me repeating in my head causing terrible chills. I took the bus home to my bed ignoring my family and dinner.

Was I in trouble?

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