"Incomplete Memories"

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I woke up to a loud holler from my mother's mouth. I rub my eyes and rose to a sit up position on my bed. My hair was a complete mess, but it's the style nowadays. I got up looking at my clock 2:14 pm.

"Fuck" I put on my robe and warm socks and head out my room. I peek the corner to see roses on the table and laughter.

I walk out swiftly and see Jacob standing in front of my mother. He had a glo on his face and huge smile.

"Jacob?" I said leaning on the edge of the wall.

"Hey Kaia" he said looking in my face from across the living room.

"Shi- oot it's Saturday. The project is due Monday right?" I say after realizing my mother was in the room.

"Oh baby I was just telling Jacob how much I missed him." She said with a delightful grin. Jacob nodded and smiled at her again.

"Haven't seen you since what... 10th grade?"
She gave him one long stare and hugged him like he was her long lost son.

"Well I'm taking Malik to go shopping, I'll pick you up something...make up?" She said putting on her jacket.

"Yes thanks ma." I say sitting on the couch with my bare legs exposed while Jacob was still standing.

"Boy let's go!" She yelled for Malik. He quickly came out with one of his racer trucks and headed out with ma.

"So? Project" I said crossing my legs.

"Yeah I got my side we just gotta make the poster." He said sitting next to me but with distance.  He started to dig in his bag and pull out papers we needed to complete the project.

"Hey...how's your mom and pop?" I say going to my bookbag for my side.

He hesitated to answer but he had to say something. "They fine arguing as usual" he put a unhappy smile on his face. I came back with my papers and we begin working on the poster. We worked for 2 hours until we took a break. I grabbed him some juice and a bag of chips.

"Do you still think about...us?" I asked after handing him the snack. I put my elbow on the edge of the couch with my head on my palm.

"Uh.." the someone at the door interrupted us. I puffed out a sigh and opened the door in 6 steps.

"Hey baby...got you some food" he said hugging me tight with a bag of Chinese food in his left hand.  He stepped foot in the apartment and noticed Jacob on the couch drink juice from the good glass.

"Jacob" he said going to the kitchen.  He looked over going to the kitchen.

"Wassup um um,"
    "Kaprice" he said lowering his eye brows.
"Kaprice sorry." He turned back around to finalize the project by putting our names on it.

"I guess we're done here Kaia." He said rising up from the couch. He brushed pass Kaprice setting the glass in the sink. I pushed Kaprice's shoulder as he gave Jacob a bad look.

"Wait Jacob stay, for at least something to eat." I smiled at him touching his buff arm. Kaprice gasped silently and went to the couch to watch TV.

I gave them both a plate and kissed Kaprice lightly on the cheek but he gave me a long kiss as I held his drink in my hand. He was trying to intimidate Jacob but it didn't work. I walked away to the table for my food.

"You wanna fuck her?" He asked Jacob changing the channel. Jacob say with me at the table.

"Inappropriate question Kaprice" he said putting some sesame chicken in his mouth.

"You didn't answer my question" he said setting the remote on the coffee table.

"Kaprice Ivan Jameson come her right now." I said leading him to my room. I closed my door after he stepped in.

"WHAT THE FUCK IS WRONG WITH YA STUPID ASS?" I said pacing back and forth with my hands in the air.

"What? I can't ask him a question?" 

I stepped to him and slapped him across his face so hard my hand was vibrating. His head turned to the opposite direction but took the pain like a man. He quickly grabbed my throat and pushed me against my wall. He held a fist back almost going to punch me but then he saw the tears in serious look. I didn't flinch nor gasped for air I was in control.

"Why the fuck you do this to me girl?!" He said letting me go withdrawing his fist.

"Kaprice you're too over protective." I say grabbing his face looking into his brown eyes. He grabbed my hands on his face and looked at me.

"I'm sorry...I just don't want to loose you to no hijo de puta. Yo amor tú" he kissed the palms of my hands one at a time. I slither them away and kiss him before heading back to Jacob.

"Hey listen Kaia I don't want to get in the way. Imma just go." He said gathering his things. He gave me a long hug and sighed.

I didn't want to let him go. He smelled so nice and I felt like I was his again. Just one more time I would just lay in bed with him but I couldn't I love someone else for a change it took a while but it came through.

"Tell your parents my regards and get home safe please" I say watching him open the door and walk down the stairs. I left the open for Kaprice to leave as well.

"What my turn?" He asked with his arms held out.

I point my head towards the door and tapped my foot. He grabbed his jacket and put it on slowly. Finally stepping into my personal space and grabbed me by my waist. He gently kissed my lips and stepped back. He smacked my ass and walked out the door. I shook my head and closed the door behind him.

I went to the bathroom to take a shower and clean myself from what just recently happened. I waited for my mother and Malik to come back so I can see what she bought. I sat on the couch with some old pajamas, watching snapchats from people I don't even recognized but knew me. The TV hung black and still, noticing my reflection mocking me. Finally they came back before seven, with big bags bursting through the door.

"Ma where you get all this money?" My voice gotten stern and rocky as she set the bags next to the kitchen table.

She gave two extra bags and handed them to me. "Girl don't question my pockets."

"Thanks." I gasped grabbing the bags since they where from expensive places. 

I opened the first bag that had a small box in it and clothes. The other bag had a pair of uggs and lingerie.

"Mommy! Uggs!" I shrieked, I haven't got anything good since I was little and that was a full cooking set. Especially my mother didn't like things I liked which provoked me to start buying my own things.

I went to her and gave her fat ass a big hug. I was grateful for what I got even though it's not very important.

I took my new things to my room and searched what clothes she got me. I first tried on the light brown uggs with cream fur lining, fit perfectly.

I turned the TV on and closed my door. I finished my day with a cartoon and new clothes. I didn't even open the box.

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