Chapter 5:

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"Where are we going?" I held my head, attempting to stop the throbbing, it didn't work.

"Everything will be explained Calissa, All in good time."


"Will you stop saying that?!" I exhaled roughly, slamming my fist against the back of Andrews seat.

Over estimating the force of my punch, the vibrations shot through my arm causing me to wince and pull my arm back onto my lap, wrapping my other hand around my wrist.

"Cali, calm down." Jake took a deep breath, his chest slowly rising and falling. His shoulder was covered by his right hand.

We were all injured, badly, Lykan even more so. In some way, I suspected all three of them were used to it, by the way they handled it so well. Where as I had to stop myself crying at the pain I was feeling. It was something else.

I took a breath, matching Jakes actions. "Alright, look. I'm pissed off, I want answers. What the fuck am I mixed up in? And what have you hid from me for years Jake?"

All three of them sighed simultaneously. "Wanna t-ake this one Jake?" Lee paused, clenching his jaw before releasing it, attempting to regulate his breathing.

"Sure, why not. You know about Cole right?" Jake began,

"Yeah." I brushed my fingers against my temple, the blood on my reopened scar had dried. At least that was a plus.

"Well, Cole has a gang. So does Westbrooke. Rival gangs. And we're on James' side. You following on so far?"

"Yeah, so what's going on with Nate? And Kyle, and Kody and me." I looked around the car, my eyes not settling on one thing. I wanted to know everything they had to tell me, but I was afraid to see the outcome of it all.

"Kyle and Nate are apart of James' gang. Kody used to be. He fucked everything up, and Cole wanted revenge. So he went into hiding. James was behind that of course. James sorta, expelled Kody from things, but still protected him. He made sure Cole knew that-"

"Yeah" I hummed, trying to make it seem like I knew what he was telling me. I didn't. I didn't understand, or believe what he was telling me. Kody couldn't have killed someone. He just, couldn't.

"-Sooner or later Cole figured out he wouldn't find Kody, so he got background on your family. Your mom and dad, and you. Obviously you must have caught his eye, because he decided to write your name on the hit list. James heard it, thanks to Andrew," Jake lowered his voice to a slight whisper, "he still doesn't know it's his fault-"

"What do you mean?" Andrew caught the conversation at the right time, I was starting to drift into thought, "I didn't tell James anything."

"No," Lykan jumped in "You told N-ate. We're all t-old to tell J-james anything we fi-nd out about C-cole's gang."

I looked back over to Lee, still using the door as support. His hand remained at his side, his chest was rising and falling quicker than normal, breaths shallow and his eyes, well his less swollen eye, was starting to close.

I was starting to worry if he'd actually make it to where ever we were meant to be. The amount of pain he'd be in scared me, and his blood loss was becoming an issue, the car was practically red.

"Does it matter? Anyway, James sent Lee to look over you from a distance, so when me and Mark ran into you two that night, I was pretty shocked, isn't that right Davis?" Jake smirked, the cold air between the two was evident.

"Sh-ut it Harris." Lykan coughed, his voice hoarse and thick. "Are we even Close Andrew?" He spat, through gritted teeth.

"We're a few streets away, hang in there Lee." Andrew hummed, pulling away from a stoplight.

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