Chapter 8:

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"Do it. Shoot me. I dare you." I snarled, knowing he wouldn't pull the trigger.

It wasn't that he didn't have it in him, because he did, I didn't doubt that for a second. But he wouldn't kill me, because I was 'needed'.

Yet dispite all that I was shaking inside, how the hell was I meant to get out of this?!

"You sound exactly like your little boyfriend." He laughed, pressing the gun harder into my temple.

"H-he's not my boyfriend." Holding back a cry of pain through clenched teeth, as his blade found my forearm.

I heard nothing coming from the rest of the house. Nothing from the darkness of the room, or the previous room behind me. Somewhere. Lykan still had to be somewhere in the house.

Where the hell was he?!


14 hours earlier:


"Thank you," I forced a smile to the girl as she handed me our coffee, "-again, I'm so sorry about him."

"It's alright, I know how jealous boyfriends can be." She laughed. How many times do I have to say it?

"He's not my boyfriend." I stopped bluntly, before turning away, a laugh making it's way up my throat. It was immediately forgotten when I saw Lykan.

Walking back over to him, I pushed the cup into his chest, almost spilling it on him.

"Really?" Lee spat, his mouth actually forced into a frown.

"Did you really have to speak to her like that?" My jaw was clenched, turning my back to Lykan, starting towards the entrance.

"Yes. I did. Now," Lykan caught up to me and spun me around by my waist with just his left arm, pulling me so only the coffee cup stood between us, "Stop talking to me, like I'm a child. Got that?" He snarled, before his smirk grew. Again.

I shrugged myself from his grasp, before I looked over my shoulder at Lykan, still stood in the same place, confused at my abrupt separation.

"Get your ass over here, we still need to buy my dress, remember?" I sighed, rolling my eyes at Lykan as his lips slipped into a straight line. Dress shopping. How manly.

"Fine." Lee grunted, heading towards the car, leaving me behind him. Reversing the roles.

After a while of walking across the parking lot of the mall. Lykan stopped, turning to look over his shoulder at me. Winking, Lee laughed, "C'mon California, Get your ass over here."

Exhaling in a growl I gave in to his childish antics, letting him win- "Fine." -this time.


11 hours earlier:


"How about this one?" Lee asked hopefully, clearly getting pissed. Holding the blue, almost black, full body length dress.

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