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I wasn't always like this.

"Maddi! "

" Madison! "

"come with me, quick or you'll miss it. Danny's waiting for you".

I was young and naive with a silly crush.

I giggled quietly as my best friend Dakota dragged me from the canteen and down the halls of my middle school.

"Dee where are you taking me?", I slowed down a little which only made Dakota pull on my arm harder.

"Danny wants to talk to you in the hall, so I'm taking you",

I should've noticed her hand twirling a strand of her blonde hair, dipping her head down to look at the floor. She always did that when she lied. But I guess I cared too much about what Danny had to say to notice.

Don't let stupid crushes cloud your brain.

I smiled at the mention of my crush and followed her to the gymnasium. She pushed through the doors and led me to the center. The hall was empty. And barely any of the lights were switched on. I could make out the equipment at the walls and the little light that came from the small window by the ceiling.

I felt Dakotas grip on my hand loosen till she fully let go. She smiled at me. No. She smirked at me.

"Wait here, he's coming ", I didn't get a chance to ask where she was going as she ran towards the door and out. Or so I had thought.


If only I knew that was the locking. Of the gyms doors. By my own best friend. Ex best friend.

Rule number 2 :Don't trust anybody.

I stood there glancing around for a good 30 seconds. Alone. Before suddenly, all the lights went off.

I couldn't see a thing. I was now Alone and in the dark.

Only one person knew I was afraid of the dark.

Rule number 3: Don't share your secrets.



I heard something behind me but I turned around and saw nothing. The window by the ceiling did me no good in terms of light.




It wasn't just behind me now.

I felt my heart beating faster.

My eyes scanning the room in hopes to find something. See something.





I don't know what told me to move but I found myself speed walking forwards, reaching out into the emptiness to touch something. I felt something cold., using my hands to feel around, I realised I was at the corner of the hall.

What the hell was going on.

Mom's told me many times not to swear but I think I'm in the right mind to right now.






By now it was all I could hear, the echoing sounds of footsteps or the bounce of a ball.

I didn't know what it was but it was all I could hear.

Loud and echoing.

I couldn't take it anymore. I felt my knees buckle and I began to tremble out of fear.

I don't know how but I found myself on the floor hugging my knees.

"stop please stop"

"Make it stop "



I felt beads of sweat trickle down my forehead

My heart was beating like it'd never had before.



My breaths became short and hoarse.

I couldn't breath.

I felt my eyelids shut tightly as I rocked myself.

Back and forth.

I saw the walls closing in on me mirroring my lungs as they also felt like they were being squeezed from the bottom to the top, excruciatingly slowly.

Before I knew it I was screaming, sobbing. Either one of the two.

Rule number 4 : Dont let anyone see beyond a smile.

But in the midst of all this, I heard laughter and the clicks of a camera.

Then it all went black.

The last thing I saw were the bright lights and a face.

That was my first panic attack. Left me scared till this day.

Rule number 5: know ur enemies before making friends

I wasn't always like this.

Quiet and reserved.

Afraid to speak or even look someone the wrong way. Who knew what each person was capable of.

I know I didn't.

I never saw it coming when it was in plain sight.

I was young and naive.

All because of a silly crush.


Bruhhhh I don't know why but writing that made me feel good.

I hope it wasn't hard to figure out what had happened, there'll be an explanation in the next chapter.

Thank youu byeee x. 💕

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