Chapter 3

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As we neared the house, the noise of drunk teenagers and music got louder and louder. Mirroring the pounding of my heart.

We finally got to the open door and already I could see people laying on the stairs , eyes half open and half closed. People walking around with red cups laughing and screaming. People genuinely having a good time.

I wish I could be that happy.

I felt Mason grab my hand and pull me inside. He turned around and gave me a look as if asking me if I really wanted to do this. And I gave a reassuring smile back. At least that was what I thought it looked like.

He dragged me through the crowds of people. I was trying my best not to completely flip out.

"Heyyy Mason man , you made it ", I looked up to see it was his best friend. Lucas. I watched as they embraced in their manly hug and when they finally pulled apart Lucas turned to me.
" and who's this beauty you brought along with you ", he said giving me a slight smirk.

Did I really look that different.
I doubt it. I mean cmon my hair isn't hard to forget.
" This 'beauty' is my sister, Maddi. Whom you saw today you idiot",

I watched his mouth move into different shapes trying to find something to say, like a fish out of water. A cute fish.

"Wow, She looks hot", he said looking me up and down openly.  My brother was right here. How stupid can one be.

But much for the last thank you's of the night.
"Thanks" I muttered back trying to smile.

"Hey keep your eyes to yourself. That's my sister , now where's Dakota" Mason butted in snapping his fingers in front of Lucas's face

Great. I was gonna be left alone while he went off with his girlfriend.

"Masoooonnnnn babyyy, you came"

Speak of the devil.
Masons grasp on my hand was suddenly lost and I felt myself being pushed back.
My brother was now tightly enclosed in Dakota's embrace. And I was left on the side. Alone.
When she finally let go, she turned to me and gave me a grin.

" Hi Maddison ",

"Hi", I doubt she even heard my reply. Not that she would even care for it.
"Mason baby, come with me I have something to show you ", she grabbed his hand firmly ready to pull him along. But Mason stopped her.
"I can't leave Maddi alone, sorry Dee",

She rolled her eyes before replying "Well I'm sure she could stay with Lucas just fine",
I wasn't totally against it. But I barely knew him. I should though since he's my brothers best friend. He's at my house almost everyday. And until now did I start to notice him.

"Maddi , are you ok with staying with Lucas, I won't be long ", Mason said.
I looked over at Lucas, he didn't look the least bothered by anything. There was a sour expression on his face.

Dakota scoffed at his last sentence. I guess she'd be keeping him away from me for as long as possible. I didn't even give Mason my response before he was pulled away. And I was left alone by the counter top with Lucas.
He sighed.

" do you want something to drink?" He offered.

"Um- water ?" He chuckled at my response but walked round the bar to get me a bottle of water. He reached over and tossed it into my waiting hands. I muttered a quick thank you, I unscrewed the cap and took a quick gulp. All the while he kept his eyes on me. Analyzing me just like he had done earlier in the cafeteria. Reading me like I was an open book.  No matter how hard he read. He wouldn't understand.

" why are you scared of Dakota",

Wait what.
To say that that question took me by surprise would be an understatement. How? What gave him that idea. I didn't even know what to say to that. Because it was the truth. But no one had ever figured that out before. No one had ever cared to ask. Everyone knew me as the loner girl. The scaredy cat. The pussy , if you like.

"I - I'm not", what a typical reply.
He chuckled slightly. Grinning at me as he was doing so.

He leaned in closer to me. I felt my heart drop to the pits of my stomach. I'd never been this close to anyone before.
" one thing I'm good at, is telling when people lie, and I can see it smeared across that pretty face of yours",  and with that he leaned back to his normal position as if nothing had happened.

I didn't even have a chance to reply to that before I heard screaming.

"SPIN THE BOTTLE IN THE GARDEN!!!!!"  Cheers of approval followed after. Lucas got up , grabbed my hand and pulled me of the seat smirking.
"C'mon let's go",

What. No. No way. That was the devils game.
"N-no I'll stay here by myself" I tried to get out of his grip. But he wasn't budging.

"I can't have that now,  can I princessa, come on "  he was already pulling me along with the crowd of people who also wanted to play.  

In the garden a circle had already began to form. Lucas walked us round to find a spot. While doing so I caught Dakotas eye.

And it sent chills down my spine. The look on her face read pure evil. It took me back to that time when I had been tricked and misled. 

The smirk she gave me.

The gleam in her eyes.

What was she up to now ?

To be continued.....

I really don't know why this took so long to write but it's up now. Read vote comment thank youuuu 💜.

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