Chapter 1

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It took a moment or two to break out of my trance.  I stared at my reflection in the mirror.  From my defined cheekbones to the icey blue of my eyes.   My dyed grey/white hair flew past my droopy shoulders. Probably from all the lazing around I do everyday. 

I'm Madison.  If I had friends I'm pretty sure they'd call me maddi but I didn't so only Mason calls me Maddi.

I'm in my senior year,  I live in North Carolina with my mum dad and my brother Mason.

"Maddi, are you ready! "

My door slammed open and in walked my brother Mason.  My Twin brother.
He was older by  2 minutes and 34 seconds and he never ceased to let me know that.

I sighed  as I walked away from the mirror. Grabbing my backpack and my iPhone of my desk,  I walked towards him.

"yeah,  I'm ready",

Ready for another humiliating day.

Everyday was humiliating for me.

My presence was humiliating.

The way I looked


Was humiliating.

We walked side by side downstairs, past the dining area where my mum and dad were having breakfast.  We said our good byes and walked out of the house.

Mason walked me to the passenger side oening the door for me, he smiled slightly.

Me and Mason were pretty close.  Us being twins and all.  We told eachother everything and he's helped me the best he could ever since that day. 

He was the one to come rescue me. I was out cold till I was taken home by my dad.  And Mason took the following days off school to look after me.  He's always been the mature one out of the two of us but most times people didn't take the time to notice it.  All they saw was the schools top quarterback with a bitch for a girlfriend.

"I've got soccer practice today,  do you mind waiting or do you want dad to pick you up",  he said speeding down the road to school.

"I'll wait" I said,  keeping my eyes at the road ahead of me.

I saw him nod in reply from the corner of my eye.

In 5 minutes we were parking in the school car park.

Preston highschool.

I opened my door before Mason had a chance to.  As soon as as he was out of the car he was immediately engulfed in a hug by his girlfriend.


Of course there were somethings I had to keep away from him. I didn't want to ruin his relationship.

If Dakota made him happy then it made me happy. 

She looked at me and smiled,  I did nothing but look down turn around and walk towards the school doors.

I grabbed my books from my locker and walked to my first class.  AP calcus.

Before I knew it I had gotten through half of the day with a minimum amount of looks and no comments.  I walked to the lunch hall with my head down.  My music blasting through my earphones.

I know you'd expect a loser like me to sit in the library and eat my lunch there.  But no,  my brother made sure I was always at his table sitting with his teammates and their girlfriends. 

I bought a sandwich and bottle of water before walking towards his table.  He sat there with Dakota in his lap talking animatedly about God knows what.  On his left sat his Best friend Lucas. 

Lucas smirked  at me and pointed to the seat next to him wiggling his eyebrows. 

I looked away faster than I thought I could.  I walked to the opposite side and sat down 2 seats away from Mason.

"hey maddi,  you OK? ",  he looking at me with his soft brown eyes,  taking his attention off Dakota for a few seconds.  I nodded and smiled feebly at him.

In case you hadn't noticed,  me and my brother were polar opposites.  He was popular,  I was not.  He had the soft brown baby eyes and somehow I got bluish grey.  He was popular and a quarterback on the soccer team and I was plain shy and quiet old pussy ass me.


I swear a lot now.

"Madison you still here? "

I heard Dakota calling me but I couldn't bring myself to look her in the eyes.  Never have since that day.

So I slightly raised my head to show I was listening.

"There's a party tonight at Josh's Lake house, Mason won't come without you so could you please do me a favour,  make an effort to look nice and tag along",

I swallowed hard.

"Dakota,  stop",  I heard my brother hiss.

I couldn't say no.

I don't know what she'd do to me.

I couldn't think about it.

So I nodded,  showing that I was going to obey.

"Maddi,  you don't have to come if you don't want to.  I -"

"I'll come mase,  d-dont worry"

He nodded and smiled at me.

As Everyone resumed their conversions I was lost in my own thoughts.  Keeping in mind that Lucas seemed to be staring at me. Reading me like I was an open book , something I'd forever try to keep from happening.

I pushed it aside thinking of what I could possibly wear tonight.  I'd never been to a party before.  

This would be my first....


Chapter 2 will be up shortly,  hope you liked it,  what do you thinks gonna happen at the party ;) 

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Byeee x

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