Chapter 5

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Saturday morning.
I woke up to the laughter of my family downstairs. Blowing my hair out of my face I picked up my phone and checked the time.

For a Saturday morning in the life of Maddison Grey this was early. Really early.

An hour later I was freshened up and making my way downstairs. Everybody was still in the dining area and had already began breakfast.

"Morning guys ", I walked around the table kissing them all on the cheek.

"Good morning sweetheart , how was the party last night ". My mother said with a smirk on her face.

My mum wasn't like most mothers. When she was my age, she was very much about. If you get what I mean. So she pretty much knew all tricks and shenanigans that teenagers were up to these days.
And this is the reason why I took after my father.
"It was ... great I guess , no big deal mother don't get carried away " , I giggled knowingly.

"Madison ,you at a party? , well that's certainly a first ," I smiled at my dad, he was busy jotting down things on a notepad, probably work related.

"It sure is papa",

I noticed that Mason was strangely quiet, he was focused on his breakfast and his phone in his hand.

"Mason ?"

He grunted in reply.

"You okay ?", I asked curiously. He'd normally be the one to wake me up every day and greet me first in the mornings. But at the moment he seemed to be ignoring my very existence. Something had to be up.

"Perfect" , not once did he look in my eyes. He didn't even raise his head up. I knew he was lying. Nevertheless I dropped it and dug into the delicious pancakes before me.

When breakfast was finished , I found I had nothing to do , just like every other Saturday in my life. I decided to keep myself occupied with homework. This is what happens when you have no friends.

An hour later , I heard the unlocking of my front door , followed by the manly greetings and shouts of no other than Lucas. I had forgotten that those two were always together on a Saturday. I guess they'd be spending their Saturday here, and I knew best to keep out of their way.

The hours ticked away and the sun glowed heavily in the sky , its was hot. Like really really hot. I had given up on my homework around 2:00 and was now laying in my bed in just some booty shorts and a Cami vest, scrolling through my endless feed on instagram.

The heat was getting to me and my open window wasn't doing me any good.

You know what this calls for?

Ice cream.

I had a growing collection of all different flavours. All for me.

I got up from my bed , phone in hand, I began my journey to my kitchen desperately hoping to be undetected. I could hear shouts as I walked past the living room. Lucas and Mason.

I got my ice cream and began to make my way back upstairs , but the sound of my name had me stopping in my tracks. Right. In front. Of. The living Room. So much for going undetected.

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