Enrichment 1 - Preview of Directioner and Directionator Conversations

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Enrichment 1 - Preview of Directioner and Directionator Conversations

None of this is made up, I tell you. I got these from Tumblr.


These are examples of interactions between Directioners and Directionators. See how Directionators don't have a clue of who they are.

Convo One

Directionator: *posts a picture of Louis Tomlinson and on the caption she writes 'Liam Payne'*

Directioner: ... Directionator.

Directionator: Hahaha, yeah I am.

Convo Two

Directionator: So get out, get out, get out of my head, and fall into my arms instead. I don't, I don't, don't know what it is, but I need that One Thing and you've got that One Thing <33

Directioner: You a directionator?

Directionator: Hell yeah I am!

Convo Three

Directionator: Blue eyes. Brown curly hair. Dimples. Perfect Smile. Amazing voice. Can Juggle. British. Have I mentioned his name is Harry Styles?

Directioner: Harry has green eyes.

Convo Four

Directioner: *hears One Direction* Oh hey, that's One Direction. I love them!

Directionator: Oh yeah? Me too!

Directioner: Have you seen their One Thing music video? Wasn't it amazing?!

Directionator: Yeah, it was great! Who's your favorite?

Directioner: Don't have a favorite, but I have a HUGE soft spot for Niall Horan and Liam Payne. You?

Directionator: I like Henry. His singing is amazing.

Directioner: ...

Directionator: ...

Directioner: ...

Directionator: Or is his name Harry? Haha, I forgot.

Directioner: *immediately walks away*

Convo Five

Person: Omg the boys from One Direction are so gay!


Person: Omg the boys from One Direction are so gay!

Directioner: Omfg I know isn't it great

So class, always beware of Directionators!


To be continued in Lesson Four~

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