Chapter 10: Mood Swings

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* Start of college classes for this chapter!*

I rubbed my eyes sleepily as I stumbled around the campus, only half-awake. I clutched my steaming cup of coffee, taking frequent sips in an attempt to wake myself up. Despite my weariness, I had managed to dress quite nicely. I was wearing a sheer white button up shirt with a floral scarf, paired with some skinny jeans and… Harry’s leather jacket. I felt slightly guilty when picking it up this morning, but its heavenly scent and warmth  dissipated some of my nervousness for my first day of classes.

Yesterday, after Harry had dropped me off, I had found Sophie’s room to see Crystal and Brittanee sitting at her bedside silently. She was clearly awake, but the room was completely silent. She was just staring at the ceiling. At my arrival, her blank expression had turned to one of pure hatred.


“What the hell is she doing here?!” she screamed, causing me to flinch. My initial surprise was soon replaced by indignation. I clenched my fists at my sides to fight my urge to slap her.

“I came running here from halfway across the city when I found out you were in the hospital, and this is how you treat me?” I fumed.

Sophie glared at me. “Well, no one made you come, and certainly, no one is making you stay,” she spat bitterly.

“Sophie, just stop!” Crystal yelled, standing up from her seat.

I sighed, all my anger quickly dissolving. “No, she’s right,” I said defeatedly, “it’s entirely my fault. I had no idea what I was thinking coming here anyway.” I slowly turned around and grasped the doorknob.

“Wait! You don’t have to leave,” Brittanee called out, “just… stay outside, we’ll be right out.”

I shook my head at her. “I’m not going to stay somewhere I’m not wanted. I’m just gonna… head back to campus.”

Brittanee nodded sadly, “Alright, I guess that’s best.”

“We’re sorry,” Crystal said softly. I gave them a small smile and left the hospital room.


After I exited St. Thomas’ hospital, I walked for a little while in one direction, believing I would find my way to the university somehow. I thought about calling Harry, until I realized I never got his number. The GPS on my shitty phone couldn’t connect to any satellites, and after about an hour, it died. So I ended up lost. In London. For several hours. With no means of communicating with anyone.

As it became dark, I began to feel a little shifty. I snapped my head back so many times to make sure no one way following me that by the end of the night, I had a crick in my neck. The temperature plummeted, and unfortunately, Harry’s jacket did nothing to warm my hands and legs. It wouldn’t surprise me if I got hypothermia.

I couldn’t even begin to describe the relief I felt when I finally spotted the familiar red brick structures of the university campus. But even then, it took me at least half an hour to find my dorm building in the dark without a map to guide me. It was one o’clock in the morning when I finally found my dorm building.

I staggered into room 48 to find Crystal and Brittanee sound asleep in their designated beds. Sophie’s bed, however, was untouched. I exhaled the breath I had no idea I was holding in. I didn’t know where she had slipped off to, but I couldn’t be more grateful. I didn’t have the energy to  deal with Her Royal Bitchiness tonight.

I yanked off my tight dress and collapsed on my bed, not bothering to change into pajamas. Despite my exhaustion, sleep didn’t come to me. Little clips of my... interesting... day with Harry kept replaying in my head, effectively keeping me a good distance away from slumber.

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