I can see the veil you hide behind

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Percy POV

   "Percy what is up with you?" "what do you mean?" natasha gave me the are-you-freaking-kidding-me-I-know-you-know-what-I-mean look "nothing okay I'm fine she just... reminds me of someone why don't you go back in I'll wait out here" "Okay but you have to walk her out" "deal" we shook hands and she walked back in i could hear them talking behind the door it seemed that they would be talking for a while which, thankfully, gave me time to think. the way she had slipped up it sounded like she was about to say delphi strawberries which was impossible camp had been destroyed so how could she- my thoughts were interrupted by the door opening and tony saying "percy can show you hey perce can show hellena to the computer room ill tell JARVIS to open it up" "yeah come on." I lead "hellena" if that's even her name, to the computer room and opened the door for her she walked in and did a double take when she saw all the computers and screens mounted on every wall hanging from the ceiling and covering the counters and desks she looked from me to the computers and looked like she was going to ask a question but decided against it.


Hazel POV 

I looked at percy he was leaning against the door frame and seemed very suspicious of me "so... what's your power or specialty?" I asked he raised an eyebrow "You don't get out much do you." uh-no not really." "water." "what?" "I can control water." "how'd you get your powers?" "noneya" "I don't know what that means." "none of your business" at that I went back to what I was doing.


Percy POV

    Out of the blue Hellena yelled "OW!" I whipped my head around and saw her clutching her knee "are you okay?" she nodded and stood up "okay are you done." "yes that's all""okay ill walk you out" their was moment of panic in her face and then it was gone "if that's okay with you?" "of course um let me grab my purse." 

------------TIME SKIP-------------

 I watched as the driver of a big white van rolled down the window and Hellena leaned down and then he leaned for ward and as i was about to wave i noticed electric blue eyes and a small scar on his upper lip then he rolled up his window turned a little to my right and saw her climb in and a few people stumble out of the way one of them looked like her- like annabeth i started forward and the driver started the engine "HEY HEY WAIT!" i yelled and started running the van seemed to lurch forward and into the busy new york traffic "wait".


AAAAAAAAAAAAnd thats a wrap next chapter will hopefully come out soon sine i just went on to fall break sooo yeah and i know i said "for the sake of humor" and their wasn't much of that in this chapter it just didn't work with how i have decided to take the story from here so sorry


But I saw you fall (a Percy Jackson, the Avengers and Kane chronicles crossover)Where stories live. Discover now