What are they up to?

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I'm sorry for the long wait I got sidetracked but here is the next chapter hopefully this will make up for it


Natasha POV

      I climbed through the buildings vents trying to find the young adults room as I crawled past one room I heard arguing it sounded like that Helen girl so I followed the voices and peered through the vent to see 7 people one was definitely Helen but without all the makeup her curls fell freely around her face her dark skin had a light flush and her golden eyes bore into the boy faceing her his fingers seemed to tap and/or mess with anything within arms length he had brown curls that fell into brown eyes he had elvish features and smirked 

"aw come on MD I'll get back into the files"

 then another girl spoke up I shifted slightly to get a better look she had long curls that she had pulled up in a ponytail her eyes were calculating and stormy gray.

"MD? What's that supposed to mean?"

"Metal detector duh." 

He rolled his eyes as if it was the most obvious thing ever

The blonde sighed

"What did you manage to find before it was found?"

"Not enough"

I shifted again to examine the others in the room but the vent had a different idea it creaked then dropped me in some women's room she screamed and started throwing anything she could at me.  I heard shouting in the room next to it followed by banging on the door. I pushed past the young woman and lept out the window sending a silent prayer the chose the second floor instead of one of the higher ones. My feet hit the pavement and I ran for Starks ridiculous tower. I made the mistake of looking back only to see seven adults pushing through the dense crowds in hot pursuit. I cursed myself for being so careless while turning into a Dark ally and maneuvered my way up the side hoping to lose them. I ran across the buildings and lept down a mere five feet from the entrance I closed the distance quickly and threw open the door closing it quickly behind me. I turned looking for them in the crowds finding nothing.

<><><><><><><><>TIME SKIP<><><><><><><><><><

    Percy POV 

     I paced the floor anxiously waiting to learn what Natasha had learned I heard the elevator ding and looked up to see Natasha walk in looking like she ran al the way here. I was about to open my mouth when she stopped me 

"not much the vent broke and I had to run back before they could ask me any questions except that Helena is nicknamed metal detector by a Latino curly brown hair very fidgety. Ring a bell?" 

"Yeah actually" I ran back to my room and started riffling through my stuff looking for my pictures. After a couple minutes to many I finally found it siting on my nightstand (in plain sight) I grabbed it and I ran back out the thick leather book gripped in my hands. When I finally got back to the main room i sat down on the sofa and began shuffeling through the pages untill I found the picture, it was of all of us, annabeth leaning on my shoulder, frank and hazel giving each other heart eyes, jason floating slightly above the deck behind me and annabeth piper clutched in his arms, leo stood by me a mirror in hand ogeling at his self. I smiled, this picture always made me smile, we had all been so happy- i was shocked out of my thoughts by Natasha's hand on my shoulder 

"Thats him with, the mirror, and the blond girl she was there to" she pointed to leo and annabeth than she moved her finger to hazel

 "And her, shes the one that the latino called metal detector."

I chuckeld and began nameing each one off along with there nicknames 

"Frank the beast, hazel the metal detector, piper the beauty queen, jason the blond superman, annabeth wise girl, and leo bad boy supreme."

Natasha stared at me "what the hell kind of nicknames are those? And what was yours?"

I laughed "water boy and leo came up with most of them, but I came up with some."

As I was looking at the picture I had a thought they're supposed to be dead. The thought hit me like a bus I dropped the album and sat in shock. Natasha looked at me concern in her eyes.

"Percy are you okay?" 

I shook my head "they're supposed to be dead."

Natasha stared "but then who...how...that shouldn't be possible."

"Actually it is, thats not what I'm curious about- I mean sure it's surprising but it's totally possible what I want to know is why." 

Natasha stared "people can't come back to life it's not possible."

I started to respond when tony interrupted me. He had been so quiet I forgot he was there "this is about your past isn't it, about how you got your powers?"

"Not how I got them that's not going to ever be a problem, but chances are it does involve my past"

Both of them stared and tony grabbed his phone "I'm calling the rest of the avengers and you are explaining yourself" I went to argue but he cut me off "we have a right to know because now it involves us too." 

I slumped back into the couch to frustrated to even bother arguing. Tony walked into another room and started to make the calls. Natasha started towards me but I stood up and grabbed the album then walked to my room. I closed the door and slumped onto my bed. I had purposely kept that part of my life a secret I didn't want to talk about it brought back to many memories. Then I had a thought I grabbed my phone (my room was lined with celestial bronze) and dialed annabeths number it rang the a voice on the other end one I new all to well answered 


I held my hand to my mouth and hung up then, over the speakers Tony's voice rang out 

"Percy someone is here to see you she looks like the girl in the picture, the blonde." 


Aaaaaaaaaaaand that's a wrap on what are they up to sorry for the wait I made this chapter 1000 words to make up for it and sorry for the cliffhanger but the next chapter will hopefully come sooner than this one did. Remember to vote!


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